A Season of Bangla Drama - opening night show
Synopsis: The story revolves around a thief, an elderly person in a wheelchair and his carer. A thief breaks into a house, assuming it is empty, but is shocked to find a person in a wheelchair. They are both speechless and scared, trying to think about a way out of the situation. Just then, the carer enters the room! The elderly man takes the initiative by starting a conversation. The other two join in. They have very different lives and goals, but surprisingly are all connected by the realisation that they have no one to love them, guide them or take care of them. But they all have some dreams and some hopes. The three will share their stories and come up with a plan. Will they be able to achieve their plans and fulfil their dreams?
Doors 7pm, Show 7.30pm
English/Bangla | 60 minutes
Tickets: £15 - opening night I all ages
Book tickets on Eventbrite
About the Company: Monchoshoilee Theatre is an inclusive platform which is open to everyone. All those with an interest in theatre and who want to be part of a theatre community are welcome to join. It provides opportunities to gain experience across a range of activities. These include acting, set design, costume, lighting, sound, backstage, direction and more!