A to Z ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ E Early Education and Childcare DescriptionOffer support, training and advice to Early Education and Childcare providers/prospective providers to ensure quality and sufficiency of places for children aged 0-4yrs. Early education and childcare training DescriptionThe Tower Hamlets Workforce Development Team for Early Years provide information, guidance, support and a range of appropriate, high-quality training and networking opportunities relating to early years continuing professional development (CPD) in line with the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) statutory framework. Early Help & Children and Families Service DescriptionEarly Help ensures every family gets the right support at the right time Early Help Assessment (eEHA) DescriptionGuidance and information on how to use the eEHA system. Early learning and childcare funding DescriptionEarly learning and childcare funding Early learning and Childcare information for Schools DescriptionAdvice covering the areas most requested by head teachers and their staff. Early Years business and financial guidance DescriptionSchool business managers, head teachers and their governing bodies should familiarise themselves with this. East End Life archive DescriptionArchives of East End Life newspaper. EastEnders1985 #TheBanglaMixtape by Lori King DescriptionPuppet theatre, adapted rhyme time session, and archival film pay homage to 1980s Bengali East End for toddlers and parents. Easter Arts & Crafts - Victoria Park DescriptionCome along and join us, the Parks & Open Spaces team for a free Easter Arts & Crafts Activity in Victoria Park. Displaying 1 to 10 of 45 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next