A to Z ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ D Daily temporary parking permit DescriptionFor residents who need a permit to allow their visitors to park all-day in the area that you live. Dangerous structures DescriptionIf you notice a dangerous structure in the borough, report it to us. Dangerous structures DescriptionIf you notice a dangerous structure in the borough, report it to us. Dangerous wild animals DescriptionWe have powers to seize any animal being kept on premises which are unlicensed and seen as a danger to the public. Data Subject Rights DescriptionGDPR, Data Protection Act, Data Subject Rights Daylight /sunlight assessment DescriptionDaylight / Sunlight Assessment Deaths DescriptionRegister a death and information on urgent burials Debt and money advice DescriptionCommunity advice agencies provide a free service to anyone who lives works or studies in Tower Hamlets. Solicitors providing legal aid services also offer services at no charge to eligible clients. Debt management DescriptionI need help with managing money and debt. Design and Access Statement DescriptionDesign and Access Statement Displaying 1 to 10 of 27 Previous 1 2 3 Next