A to Z ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ P Paper planes - Bethnal Green Library - 25 July DescriptionTry your hand at paper planes this summer at the Bethnal Green Library in Tower Hamlets. Parameter Plans DescriptionParameter Plans Parking DescriptionFind out about where to park, apply for a parking permit or pay a fine. Parking and Access Details (Parking Provision) DescriptionParking and Access Details (Parking Provision) Parking charges April 2024 DescriptionThe new cashless parking and exemption permit charges started on 1 February 2024. All other charges start on 01 April 2024. Parking fines DescriptionPay a fine or find out how to challenge it. Parking permits DescriptionOn-street parking permits allow you to park your vehicle in the controlled parking zone that you live or work. Parking with a blue badge DescriptionParking with a blue badge in Tower Hamlets Parking zones and controlled parking times DescriptionWhere you can park and the controlled parking times Pavement Licence application DescriptionA pavement licence is to allow a public house, wine bar, other drinking establishments, restaurants, cafés or dessert bar to put tables chairs and associated furniture on the Public Highway abutting their premises, where there is sufficient space to do so. Displaying 1 to 10 of 55 Previous 1 2 3 4 5 … Next