A to Z


Make a freedom of information request

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 provides public access to information we as a council hold.

Make your own ball drop game

Join the fun making your own ball drop game, with pom poms and straws.This is a free event.

Making a referral

How can I make a referral?

Manage your council tax account

Make payments and manage your account including setting up a direct debt, paperless billing and requesting a refund.

Managing agents and landlords guide to rubbish and recycling for purpose-built flats

Resources to help managing agents and landlords ensure residents know how to dispose of rubbish and recycling correctly.

Market Commodity Group Listings

Market commodities including food, clothing electrical goods etc. All Commodities unless specified are all new items.

Market trader information

Tower Hamlets is at the heart of Londons street markets Customers and traders alike can choose from 10 local authority managed markets as well as private markets in Brick Lane and Spitalfields.

Market trader parking permit

For licensed market traders who need a permit to carry out their day-to-day duties.


The London Borough of Tower Hamlets provides some of the best known and most thriving markets in London.

Marriage is Murder by Marble Sinew

Marriage is Murder is an ensemble dark comedy murder mystery. It centres around the perilous task of finding a life partner.
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