Legal notices

General disclaimer

We are not liable for the accuracy of the information on the website. You rely on this information at your own risk. We are not responsible for the contents or reliability of the linked websites and we do not necessarily support the views expressed within them. We cannot guarantee that these links will work all the time and we do not have any control over availability of the linked pages.

Privacy policy and data protection

We respect and protect the privacy of everyone who visits our website. Our website does not store or capture personal information. It will log your IP address (a series of numbers providing a PC with a unique address) but this is not linked to anything that identifies you, so your user session will remain anonymous to us.

We do not use cookies for collecting user information from the site and we will not collect any information about you except the technical information we require for day-to-day running of the web server. Read our cookies policy.

This privacy policy covers only our website at Other links within this site to other websites are not covered by this policy.

We will use information that you supply on any of our electronic forms only for the purpose stated on the relevant form.

We will use information you provide in emails only for the purpose you supplied it for. If we need to give information to a third party, we will try to make sure we clearly show this.

Under the Data Protection act 2018, these third parties must keep the information secure. If you fill in an electronic form, we will not send you any communications, including customer satisfaction surveys, unless you have given us your consent.

If you have any comments about this policy, please contact the council's Data Protection Officer by email at or write to:

Information Governance Manager
Legal Services

Tower Hamlets Town Hall
160 Whitechapel Road
E1 1BJ

GDPR Privacy notices


The information featured on this website is the copyright of London Borough of Tower Hamlets unless otherwise indicated.

Permission is hereby granted to electronically copy and to print hard copy portions of this web site for the sole purpose of using this as an information resource for London Borough of Tower Hamlets products. Any other use of materials on this website, including reproduction for purposes other than the above, modification, distribution or republication without the prior written permission of London Borough of Tower Hamlets is prohibited.

The permission to reproduce our material does not extend to any material owned by a third party. You must get permission to reproduce such material from the copyright holders.

All images on the council website may be subject to copyright. As such permission to re-use images should be sought from the council or, where outside of the council, the copyright holder themselves. The London Borough of Tower Hamlets accepts no liability if an image on its website is used in breach of copyright.

You may establish links to this website.