Tower Hamlets Pest Control Service

We offer affordable pest treatment options for Tower Hamlets residents.

We also work with businesses and other organisations in the borough.

We have experienced trained officers and effective treatments and can give advice on how you can stop pests coming back.

Our services for businesses and other organisations

In our borough we work with:

  • private landlords
  • schools
  • nurseries
  • community centres
  • places of worship
  • commercial non-food businesses

Please contact us by email at A supervisor will get back to you to discuss your request and provide a quote.

Please do not use the online booking form for residents. Our officers won't carry out any work if you book a pest control visit for a non-residential property. We will only issue a partial refund to cover the cost of our time.

Our services for residents

We charge most residents for our services.

For tenants of some social landlords we offer our service at no direct cost to you for public health pests.

Find out more about the pests we treat in residential properties.

Information about the pests we treat

Cancellations and refunds for paid treatments

You have the right to cancel a booked visit. 

If a pest control officer has already been to the property, you can only get a partial refund.

Bedbug treatment refunds

If a pest control officer can't treat your property because you did not prepare it, you can only get a partial refund. 

Charges for borough residents

These prices include VAT:

Resident charges

Bed bugs (three rooms)

£213.60 per treatment

Bed bugs (additional room)

£73.80 per treatment


£146.40 per treatment


£81 per visit


£146.40 per treatment

Pharaoh ants

£146.40 per treatment


£81 per visit

Black (garden) ants

£81 per visit



Book a pest control visit

Further visits for infestations

Mice, cockroaches and pharaoh ants

If there's still an infestation after the course of treatments you have paid for, we will charge for further visits.


If bed bugs are still a problem three weeks after the first treatment, we will make a further visit.  

This will be free of charge. 

However, we will not carry out further treatments if the affected areas of the property have not been prepared.

Fleas and wasps

If activity is still a problem after seven days from the first treatment, we will visit again. This will be free of charge.

Are there treatment charges you don't need to pay for?

Rat infestations in a domestic property

This service is free to all borough residents if the rat is in a home, garden or other residential outdoor area.

State pensioners who live on their own or with another pensioner

If this applies to you, treatment for public health pests is free. 

Please have proof of this to show us when we visit you.

This does not apply if other non-state pensioner family members are living at the same address.

Social landlords and Tower Hamlets Housing

We carry out treatments for the following organisations we work with:

  • Council Housing (formerly Tower Hamlets Homes)
  • ARHAG Housing Association
  • Belgrave Street Housing Co-operative, odd numbers 13 to 49 Belgrave Street, E1
  • East End Homes
  • Riverside Group -Island Region residents only
  • Riverside Group - residents at John Sinclair Court, 36 Thrawl Street, E1 6RN
  • Poplar HARCA (Services are only for tenants of Poplar HARCA. Leaseholders will be charged for our services)
  • Providence Row Housing Association
  • Spitalfields Housing Association
  • Wilfred East London Housing Cooperative residents at 1–95 Corbin House, Bromley High Street, E3 3BQ.

If you are a tenant or leaseholder of one of these organisations, we will provide treatment at no direct cost for:

  • rats
  • mice
  • bed-bugs
  • cockroaches
  • fleas
  • pharaoh ants/ghost ants
  • wasps

If the booking form charges you and your housing provider tells you shouldn't, please call customer services on 020 7364 5007 or email

Bed bug treatments: You need to prepare your home

You must prepare your rooms  before we visit to carry out treatments.

If this is not done, the officer may not be able to treat the room(s).

Pest proofing works

We do not carry out proofing and repairs to prevent  pests. 

These are normally the building manager or landlord's responsibility. 

If a pest control officer sees work that's needed in a landlord / association's property that we work with, they will report it to them. 

If a social or private landlord refuses to or fails to carry out proofing works in a reasonable timeframe, you should contact the council’s Health and Housing Team on 020 7364 5008 or email: 

Rat proofing responsibilities for landowners

Toxic bait in external areas to control rats

It is illegal to use Rodenticide bait to treat a rat infestation in external open areas, unless it's associated with a building.

Examples of this are:

  • parks
  • street environments
  • waterside

Landowners must take measures to control rats in outside areas

We will investigate all rat infestation reports. If rats are found, landowners need to take measures for baiting to work properly. 

Food sources, shelter and access points need to be removed for baiting to be effective.

This must be done by:

  • removing food sources
  • removing shelter
  • carrying out building and drainage repairs

Examples of building and drainage repairs to control rats:

  • cleaning areas of litter
  • preventing fly tipping
  • improving waste storage and removal
  • checking and repairing sewers and drains.

If these measures do not control the infestation, pest control workers can apply non-toxic baits.

For more information, please see the BPCA website.

Glue boards and traps banned

These are now illegal to use to catch rodents unless you have a licence from Natural England.

If you see illegal use or sales of these products, please report it to the RSPCA

What we do not treat


As foxes do not pose a direct threat to public health, we do not consider them to be pests. We accept that they can cause problems though.

Like other London boroughs, we do not trap or destroy foxes as this is not effective. When a fox is removed another fox will take over the vacant area.

Advice is available from The Fox Project charity website. You can also contact them on 01892 824 111 or email

We have suggestions on how to minimise the problems foxes can cause.

Bins and refuse sacks

Foxes, cats, rats and dogs can all spread rubbish around. The easiest way to solve this is to keep lids on bins and don’t leave food waste outside in bags or bin-liners.

Disturbance at night by calling and barking

Between December and February female foxes (vixens) make a screaming sound at night to show they are ready to mate. You can buy a strong-smelling repellent to discourage foxes.

Marking territory with droppings and scents

Foxes communicate with each other using scents with strong-smelling urine or faeces used to mark their territories. If you can, remove the reason for foxes marking your garden as part of their territory. This could mean removing easy sources of food. Blocking holes in fences used for access or preventing access to resting places under sheds or elsewhere can also help.

Threats to smaller household pets

Foxes pose no threat to dogs and will rarely attack a cat. If you have smaller pets or chickens in your garden, make sure you keep them in secure hutches or enclosures, especially overnight.


We are currently unable to provide a pest control service for pigeons. If pigeons are creating a nuisance by fouling on your property, please contact our Health and Housing Team on or call 020 7364 5008.

Residents in properties managed by Tower Hamlets or Registered Social Landlords should contact their Housing Officer.


The Oak Processionary Moth (Thaumetopoea processionea) is a pest that lives on and damages trees. It also poses a risk to human and animal health.

They need specialist control methods and need tro be reported the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA).

Health risk

The caterpillar of this moth comes out in April every year and produces thousands of irritating hairs.

If you or your pet comes into contact with them they can cause:

  • skin rashes
  • sore throats
  • breathing difficulties
  • eye problems .

What to do if you see or touch them

If you see any Oak Processionary Moth nests or caterpillars (OPM) you should report them immediately.

It is important not to come into contact with the caterpillars, hairs or nests.

If you think you have been exposed and have an itching skin rash and/or conjunctivitis or other symptoms see a pharmacist to relieve the symptoms. If you have a more serious allergic reaction, contact your GP or call NHS Direct on 111. The call is free from any phone.

Consult a vet if your pet has a serious reaction. It is important to restrain pets from approaching nests or caterpillars.

Advice for contractors

Regulations are in place which affect how contractors working with Oak trees should be handling material within the Oak Processionary Moth affected areas.

Pest samples for insects and other invertebrates

We provide a free pest identification and advice service

We can help identify and advise on insects that are being a nuisance in large numbers.

We can also give a quote for a chargeable treatment service for some types.

How to send a pest specimen

Place the specimen in a secure container/package together with your name, address and contact number.

You can either hand it in or post it to:

Pest Control Service
Environmental Health and Trading Standards,
London Borough of Tower Hamlets,
4th Floor Tower Hamlets Town Hall,
160 Whitechapel Road,
E1 1BJ 

Private tenants

If you live in a privately rented property and your landlord refuses to deal with an infestation, you can contact Environmental Health on 020 7364 5008 or email

Contact us

If you have any other questions about pests or our services, you can contact us at If you cannot use the online form, please call 020 7364 5007.