Prepare your room for bed bug treatment
First, we need to visit your property to check they are bed bugs and not something else.
If bed bugs are confirmed, we need you to get your room(s) ready so we can treat them.
What do you need to do with furniture?
- do not move any of your furniture to or from the infested rooms
- empty any bedside tables
- empty any wardrobes
- make sure there is nothing under the bed
- officers will need to move the bed, please make sure that is possible
- strip the mattress and position it like this:

What do you need to do with bedding, clothes and other personal items?
- completely empty the bedroom(s) of bedclothes, clothes, electrical goods and personal items
- wash all bedding on a hot wash (over 60c) and keep it in sealed bags /containers in an uninfected room
- be sure to follow label directions on delicate items
Do you need to vacuum the room?
Yes, please vacuum clean the floors of all rooms that need to be treated.
Get rid of the vacuum contents straight away after cleaning. Put those contents in a bin outside of your building.
What do you need to do with curtains in the room?
Curtains should be removed and put in on a hot wash (over 60c). Please be sure to follow label directions.
What do you need to do with fish tanks?
Cover any fish tanks and keep them covered until treatment is dry.
What do you need to do after treatments?
We have to use poison for bed bug treatment.
You must:
- keep all pets out of treatment rooms for a minimum of 4 to 5 hours
- wash hands and feet if they touch wet dry treated areas
- not consume food drink in treated areas
- not dust, hoover or wash walls during treatment
- avoid cleaning for as long as possible after the final treatment. This will help the treatment process