Tower Hamlets Notice of Penalty Charge Changes

Following approval by the Mayor of London and no objections after notifying the Secretary of State for Transport, penalty charges and additional fees will increase across all 32 London boroughs and the City of London from Monday, 7 April 2025.

Parking fines

Pay a parking fine (penalty charge notice)

A parking fine is also known as a penalty charge notice (PCN).

Once a parking fine has been issued, it takes one working day for the system to be updated. If you have received a PCN on a Monday, please wait until Tuesday to pay. And if you have received a PCN on a Friday or the weekend, please wait until Monday to pay.


Pay your PCN online 


View PCN footage and images

You can view footage or images of the incident which led to a PCN online.

Note: this only works on a laptop or desktop PC (rather than a tablet or phone).

View PCN footage and images

Challenge a PCN

PCNs can only be challenged in writing.

Please provide as much detail as you can and any evidence you feel may support your claim.

Parking enforcement is often the result of motorists making a mistake because regulations haven't been correctly observed or complied with. Errors, accidents and lateness are not likely to result in a successful appeal.

If you feel the PCN was invalid; the restrictions were unclear or that illegal parking was undertaken due to mitigating circumstances, please explain this in your challenge or formal representation.

Please note that you cannot challenge a PCN or make a representation once the charge has been paid.

Informal challenge 

You can make an informal challenge against PCNs issued by a civil enforcement officer and against PCNs for bus lane contraventions.

If you write to us within the first 14 days of issue of a PCN or within 14 days from the date of service of a postal PCN, we will put your case on hold until we respond. If you're unsuccessful, you may get a further chance to pay at the discounted rate.

Please note that all responses are sent by post so you must ensure that you include your full name and address with your challenge (even if you believe that we already have your address). We will not be able to respond to any challenges that do not contain a name and postal address.

If you're unhappy with the decision, please do not write to us again until a notice to owner or an enforcement notice for a bus lane CCTV PCN has been issued to the registered keeper of the vehicle. This is sent at least 28 days after the PCN was served, providing it has not been cancelled or paid.

Make an informal challenge

Formal representation

You can make a formal representation if you have received:

  • A notice to owner for a PCN issued by a civil enforcement officer
  • A bus lane enforcement notice
  • A PCN issued by post for a parking or moving traffic contravention

The notice to owner gives the registered keeper of the vehicle the opportunity to make a formal representation against the PCN. The registered keeper may have to pay the charge in full if they're unsuccessful.

Make a formal representation


If we reject a formal representation and you still wish to challenge the PCN then the next step is to appeal to the Environment and Traffic Adjudicators (ETA), the independent tribunal for civil parking and traffic contraventions.

Appeals are made online on the ETA website:

The notice of rejection that we send you will contain a verification code for use on the ETA website. Please note that this verification code is different from the webcode (mentioned above) that's contained in the notice to owner.

If you're making a formal challenge, you will need to enter your webcode (which you can find on the top right of the Notice that you received). If you've lost your Notice, call our Contact Centre on 020 7364 5000 and we'll give you your webcode.

You do not require a webcode to make an informal challenge.

Please note:

If you're challenging more than one PCN, please ensure you submit separate appeals for each PCN number, failure to do so may result in your appeal not being considered.

By post to:
Parking, Mobility & Transport Services
PO Box 14790
E14 2WA

Debt recovery 

For more information, please see our debt recovery FAQ