Tower Hamlets Notice of Penalty Charge Changes

Following approval by the Mayor of London and no objections after notifying the Secretary of State for Transport, penalty charges and additional fees will increase across all 32 London boroughs and the City of London from Monday, 7 April 2025.

Car free developments

What is a car-free property?

Car-free properties are homes which have been built without car parking spaces.

The idea is to reduce traffic congestion, reduce air pollution and better manage the limited amount of space available for on-street parking.

By living in a car-free property, you have agreed to certain terms which means you can apply for visitor vouchers, but only a resident permit if you qualify under the PTS, are a blue badge holder, or have been decanted.

Your solicitor or landlord has responsibility for explaining this agreement to you before you purchase or rent a property in a car-free development.

Permit Transfer Scheme (PTS)

The PTS helps some families living in overcrowded or under-occupied properties to move into larger or smaller social rented car-free homes by allowing them to keep one on-street resident parking permit.

These changes apply to existing permit holders under the PTS or new applicants who moved from 30 November 2023.

The PTS is subject to the following criteria:

  1. The applicant must be living in:
    1. an overcrowded social or private rented property and move to a larger social rented property with two or more bedrooms; or
    2. an under-occupied social rented property and move to a social rented property with less bedrooms.
  2. The applicant must satisfy the resident on-street parking permit eligibility criteria.
  3. Only one on-street resident permit can be held in the household.
  4. If a member of the household obtains or holds an on-street resident permit under the blue badge exemption, then the household cannot obtain or hold a permit under the PTS as well.
  5. These criteria came into force on 30 November 2023. Therefore, a resident will not qualify for a permit if they had moved prior to this date under any circumstances, and there will be no right of appeal.

Help with your application

You can find answers to commonly asked questions about car-free developments below:  



1. If I moved from an overcrowded property before 30 November 2023, can I apply for a permit? No - because these changes took effect from the date that cabinet approved them.

2. My previous application was rejected before 30 November 2023, can I apply again if I meet the new criteria? No - because these changes took effect from the date that cabinet approved them.

3. I was issued with a permit under the old scheme, but my permit was cancelled or expired on or after 30 November 2023, can I apply for a new permit? Yes - but when you do apply for a new permit you must provide the proofs as stated on the resident permit webpage.

4. Do I need to have held a permit prior to moving to a car free property? No - as the qualifying period has been removed.

5. Is there a time limit to apply for a permit after moving? No - but when you do apply for a permit you must provide the proofs as stated on the resident permit webpage.

6. If I move from a private rented property to a larger social rented car free property, can I apply for a permit under the PTS? Yes - as you are no longer required to have moved from a social-to-social rented property.

7. Does the applicant have to be named on the tenancy agreement? No - but you must provide a letter from the Council or Housing Association to confirm that the property is your main or principal home.

8. If I move to a car free property with the same number of bedrooms, can I apply for a permit under the PTS? No

9. I am living in temporary accommodation and Tower Hamlets Council have accepted a full homeless duty. I have received a permanent offer at a car free property, which has more bedrooms than our temporary accommodation, do we qualify under the PTS? Yes, but when you do apply for a permit you must provide the proofs as stated on the resident permit webpage.

10. If I do a mutual exchange from a social-to-social rented property with less or more bedrooms, can I apply for a permit under the PTS? Yes - providing that you are living in an overcrowded or under-occupied property. 

11. Does this scheme apply to a property owner or shared ownership? No - as the scheme is only available for residents moving into social housing.


1. If I sell my vehicle, can I keep my permit until I buy a new car? No - your permit must be cancelled in line with the permit terms and conditions, but you do not lose your right to a new permit under the PTS.

2. If I sell my vehicle, but I do not buy a new one, can I transfer my permit to another householder? No - but you are allowed to apply for a new permit under the PTS after you cancel your permit.

3. If I cancel my permit or it expires, can I apply for a new one? Yes - if you currently hold a permit or you moved into the property from 30 November.

4. If someone in the household cancels their permit, can I apply for a new one under the PTS? Yes

5. If my partner moves into the property, can they apply for a permit? Yes - but they must provide a letter from the Council or Housing Association to confirm that they have moved into the property.

6. If the blue badge holder no longer qualifies for a blue badge or they no longer need a permit, can I apply for a new one under the PTS? Yes - but the blue badge holder’s resident permit must first be cancelled.

7. If an active permit has been issued under the blue badge exemption, can I also apply for a permit under the PTS? No - as a household is only allowed one permit under the blue badge exemption or PTS.

If you cannot find the information, please contact our parking support team.

How to apply

Please make sure you have read and understood the terms and conditions before applying.

You can now apply and pay for all parking permits online through our parking permit system. 

To apply for any permit, you must first set up an account. When registering, choose ‘Resident’ as your customer type to apply for a resident permit.

Register for an account



Once we receive your application, it will be assessed within three working days. A pre-authorised payment will be taken but will only debit your account if your application is approved. If your application is rejected, no payment will be taken.

Apply for a resident parking permit