Tower Hamlets Notice of Penalty Charge Changes

Following approval by the Mayor of London and no objections after notifying the Secretary of State for Transport, penalty charges and additional fees will increase across all 32 London boroughs and the City of London from Monday, 7 April 2025.

Our parking promise

Our customer promise

  • Staff will identify themselves and their section
  • Be polite, helpful and honest
  • Treat you with respect
  • Treat you fairly
  • Listen to your views
  • Make it clear what we can and cannot do
  • Be accountable for the service we provide
  • Consider your needs when designing our service
  • Deliver services that anticipate your needs
  • Admit when things go wrong and do our best to put them right
  • To comply with the statutory legislation and appropriate policies
  • Hold quarterly contract management meetings with all contractors and agency providers to review performance and quality of service and identify potential for further efficiencies and improvements.

Why the council regulates parking and traffic schemes

  • To balance the needs of all road users
  • To enable the most vulnerable to be able to travel
  • To support and stimulate the local economy
  • To contribute to the delivery of Mayors transport scheme and general transport strategy and objectives
  • To improve road safety for all stakeholders
  • To reduce congestion and emissions
  • To contribute to improving the environment
  • To manage the kerbside space.

What we expect from you

  • That you make reasonable efforts to check for signs, suspension notices and the like when parking
  • That you are prepared to use our pay by phone service when you park
  • To check all details of your parking session is valid when using our pay by phone services
  • That you buy enough time to cover your stay, allowing for the possibility of delays
  • That you do not ignore Penalty Charge Notices, Notice to Owner or other documentation from us
  • That you provide as much information as possible and enclose proof if you have any when making an appeal
  • That you renew your permit before the expiry date
  • That you check that your Blue Badge is clearly displayed before leaving your vehicle
  • To ensure your virtual permit/ visitor voucher is activated online when you park
  • That you notify us of any suspect abandoned vehicles on the highway
  • That your vehicle is correctly registered with DVLA
  • That you provide all the required documentation to accompany mobility support and permit applications.

Parking & Mobility Services commitment to provide a quality service

Contractors and agency providers to work with us in reviewing performance and quality of service to identify realistic efficiencies and improvements where possible.

Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ)

We will consult with all relevant stakeholders regarding amendments to CPZs in their area.

Disabled Bays

We will aim to install all disabled bays within six months of request, subject to meeting the council’s criteria

Abandoned vehicle Service

An officer will aim to visit a reported vehicle to assess whether it can be removed as abandoned within 48 hours of being reported. When a vehicle is confirmed as abandoned, we will aim to remove it within 48 hours of being legally permitted. This applies to council highways and not estates.

Parking Permits

we will aim to confirm your application for a virtual permit and issue within 3 working days, provided you meet the criteria.

Freedom Passes / Taxicards

We will aim to process applications for Disabled Persons Freedom passes and Taxicards 14 days of receipt, on the condition that all required documentation is submitted with the application

Blue Badges

We will aim to process applications for Disabled Persons Blue Badge 12 weeks of receipt, on the condition that all required documentation is submitted with the application

Penalty Charge Notices (PCNs)

We aim to respond to challenges and representations against PCNs within 21 days (our statutory requirement is 56 days)

Emergency Parking Enforcement

We will aim to remove vehicles blocking driveways, using disabled parking bays without displaying blue badges or causing serious danger or obstruction within two hours of being reported during our specified times. This applies to council highways and not estates.


We will aim to reply to you within ten working days; however please note that there is a separate legal process for challenging a PCN.


We require applications to be requested at least seven days in advance and we will aim to process them within two working days. We will try to ensure that three working days’ notice is given of suspensions however; there may occasionally be emergency situations where this is not possible


We require applications to be requested as least three working days in advance and we will aim to process them within two working days.

We review continuously and seek to improve our service and value customer feedback.