Tower Hamlets Notice of Penalty Charge Changes

Following approval by the Mayor of London and no objections after notifying the Secretary of State for Transport, penalty charges and additional fees will increase across all 32 London boroughs and the City of London from Monday, 7 April 2025.

Annual parking report

The Tower Hamlets Annual Parking Report covers our parking enforcement activity for the year as well as other work undertaken by our Parking Services.

We try to include as much useful information as possible in our reports, including statistics, our achievements and the wider role that our service plays in the borough for residents, visitors and all customers.

We hope that the reports show our commitment to providing a quality service to our customers and stakeholders and demonstrates that we value customer feedback and seek to improve our service.

Our aim is still to be a flagship in service delivery by using the newest technology, being customer-focused, transparent, robust in enforcement and efficient in overall service provision. If you have any comments on this report, please let us know. We hope that you find the reports informative and interesting.