Parking Enforcement
Why we enforce parking?
The need for parking controls in Tower Hamlets is evident. Parking Enforcement helps to:
- balance the needs of all road users
- enable the most vulnerable to be able to travel
- support and stimulate the local economy
- contribute to the delivery of Mayors transport scheme and general transport strategy and objectives
- improve road safety for all stakeholders
- reduce congestion and emissions
- contribute to improving the environment
- manage the kerbside space.
As a London authority we enforce under the Traffic Management Act 2004.
What do we enforce?
If you park within any of the areas outlined below without a permit, paying by phone, or dispensation the civil enforcement officers can issue a penalty charge notice (PCN) and in some cases the vehicles can be removed.
Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) restrictions
The council has introduced restrictions (CPZ’s) on parking during certain times, these restrictions only apply to public roads. When you enter a CPZ you will see entry signs along with sign plates for the bays which outline the time of restriction and time in place.
When parking in a CPZ you must read the sign plates and follow to the restrictions in place.
Yellow Lines
You can park on a single yellow line in a CPZ outside of the restricted hours, or the hours stated on any supplementary plates.
You cannot park on Double yellow lines at anytime.
You can load and unload on a single or double yellow line – except when there are loading restrictions in place (whereby there is a sign plate and kerb marks).
Dropped kerbs
Parking in front of a dropped kerb for a footway is not allowed at any time.
These dropped kerbs allow for pedestrians, wheelchair users and people with prams to cross the road. Some dropped kerbs are to allow access for residents who have a driveway outside of their property.
Bank Holiday enforcement
Parking enforcement by Tower Hamlets is limited on national bank holidays.
For the specific dates bank holidays fall on, please visit the GOV.UK website.
Car Pound opening hours
For up to date opening times, please visit the vehicle removal page.
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During limited enforcement the following bays are not restricted:
- permit bays of all types (except Personalised Disabled Bays)
- pay & display bays of all types
- disabled bays and loading bays.
Personalised Disabled Bays and all other restrictions are enforced, including but not limited to all types of yellow lines, dropped kerbs and footway parking.
Despite restrictions being in force, it should be noted that the council performs only limited enforcement, usually to cases where there is risk to traffic flow or the safety of road users.
Traffic restrictions for the Wapping High Street Bus Gateway are not enforced on Christmas Day, Boxing Day and New Year's Day.
Report an illegally / dangerously parked vehicle
You can report an illegally or dangerously parked vehicle on public highway using our online service or the Love your Neighbourhood App.
Love Your Neighbourhood App is available for download on Google Play and the App Store.
You can also contact our parking enforcement line during our hours of operation.
We will do our best to visit enforcement requests within the hours of operation but cannot guarantee every request will be investigated in a timely manner.