Synopsis: This drama, Ashalota, is a unique story about the bond between an autistic child and his carer. She comes to the UK to improve her prospects. The play highlights that two strangers can depend on each other. The carer takes responsibility for the child. It also depicts a single mother’s struggle with raising an autistic teenager. This story twists when the vulnerable carer enters the child’s life. It shows how two different neglected people can shine and achieve success. The audience will learn how collaboration can bring about resolution. With opportunities, anything is possible. It demonstrates the massive potential that neurodiverse children have. This play tells the message that vulnerable people need acceptance. This will leverage their strengths and interests to help them live a fulfilling life.
About the Company
Trioarts helps support people to pursue careers in theatre and dance. It encourages them to make meaningful contributions to society. Trioarts believe that art can bridge cultural divides. It fosters a deeper awareness of global concern.
Doors 7.00pm Start 7.30pm
Bangla/English | 60 minutes
Tickets: £10 | All ages
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