Synopsis: Tagore and the River Padma, emphasises the deep-rooted connection between Tagore and the River Padma. It revolves around a time when the writer was staying by the Padma River at Silaidaha. His father sent him there to supervise their zamindari estates. It sparked his literary genius, and this musical soiree looks at a collection of letters from that time. Tagore wrote these between 1890 - 1910 as he travelled across Bengal to manage his family’s agricultural estates. He was travelling in his houseboat along the River Padma. The letters provide a vivid picture of the breathtaking Bengali countryside. They also capture the slow and quiet rhythms of village life.
About the Company: Dakshinayan UK is the cultural wing of London Durgotsav Committee. It is also the UK chapter of the music institution Dakshinee in Kolkata. Dakshinayan celebrates Tagore as an influential figure for high art and music. He remains a figurehead for the UK based community and informs the ideology of Dakshinayan UK.
Doors 7.00pm Start 7.30pm
English/Bangla | 90 minutes
Tickets: £10 I 5+
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