Synopsis: This is an adaptation of ‘Mejdidi’, a popular classic short story from Bengali literature. It was written decades ago by Sharat Chandra Chattapadhay. Its message is still relevant. The backdrop is a modern British Bangladeshi family. This version of the story depicts the same motherly affection.
This play tackles the theme of ''love'' in a unique way. It represents the undying love between an orphan boy and his adopted mother, Samira. She is willing to sacrifice her family relationships for the happiness of the orphan.
This play contrasts love and care with self-centredness. It shows how two strangers bond and forge a mother-son relationship. It shows that a mother's love transcends boundaries of personal and social limitations.
About the Company: Trioarts is a London based cultural organisation formed in 2020. They use music, dance and drama to focus on current issues facing the Bangladeshi community. They concentrate on issues facing women and children.
Doors 6.30pm, Show 7.30pm
Bangla/English | 60 minutes
£10 Book your tickets