Housing advice for victims of domestic abuse

The following information is for anybody that wants to learn about housing and homelessness support for victims of domestic abuse. You might be worried about yourself or someone else.

Further general support can be found within the council’s domestic abuse advice section, including a list of support services in our VAWG service directory.

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You can learn more about how the council’s housing service will help those affected by domestic abuse in our Customer Domestic Abuse policy.

If you or someone you know is a perpetrator of abuse seeking help, resources and support are available.

Get help now

If you are concerned that you or your children may be at risk of serious harm, always call the police on 999. Their priority is to protect you. You can also contact the police on their non-emergency number: 101. If you are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired, you can contact the Police in emergencies by calling 18000.

You can contact the National Domestic Violence Helpline on 0808 2000 247 or Solace Women's Aid on 0203 795 5064 to talk confidentially to someone about your situation and to find out what your options are.

If you are a male experiencing domestic abuse you can contact the Men's Advice Line on 0808 801 0327.  

If you are in a same-sex relationship, you can call the National LGBT Domestic Violence Helpline on 0800 999 5428. 

If you do need to leave your home immediately, try to take some essentials such as a change of clothes, toiletries and any medication you or your children take regularly.

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Housing Options: Leaving your home

Sometimes it may be necessary for you to move from your home, either temporarily or permanently, due to the risks. If this applies to you, we will discuss the various options with you. 

Any individuals who are fleeing domestic abuse can submit a homeless application to the council. Applications can be made through any contact you have with the council, for example, through our online form, by telephone, by email, in person.

Use our Housing Options Finder tool to find out what help is available from the council and to book an appointment.

As of 5 July 2021, a person who is homeless as a result of being a victim of domestic abuse automatically has a priority need for accommodation.

You can learn more about your rights as a homeless person

  • If you are a Tower Hamlets Homes tenant, you can contact your Housing Officer to discuss the matter in confidence.
  • If you are in temporary accommodation provided and managed by the council, you should contact your housing officer or caseworker.  
  • If you are a housing association tenant, you can contact your Housing Manager at your housing association.
  • You may wish to use Shelter's directory to find a Shelter advice centre or Citizens Advice in your area. Or Contact Civil Legal Advice on 0345 3454 345 to find out if you are entitled to legal aid.

You are entitled to apply to any council in England. You will not be referred to your local authority of residence if there is a risk of violence if you return.

You will not be considered ‘intentionally homeless’ if you leave your home or have left your home because of domestic abuse.

You can read more about the support you can access from the Housing Service in our Customer Domestic Abuse policy


Victims experiencing domestic abuse may be able to stay in a refuge.  

You can contact the National Domestic Violence Helpline directly on 0808 2000 247 for more information about refuges.  

For further help finding men’s refuge spaces, please contact  M.A.L.E. The advice line is open Monday to Friday, 10am to 1pm and 2 to 5pm. Call 0808 801 0327 or visit the M.A.L.E website.

What if I want to move out of the area?

The Revive Project is project run by Homefinder UK for those experiencing domestic abuse who may want to resettle in permanent social housing in a different part of the country.  You can register online or contact them on 020 3823 1072. 

The Pan-London Housing Reciprocal can help people with a social housing tenancy who are at risk of harm in the whole of a borough, through offering a reciprocal agreement with a tenant from another borough. Speak to your housing officer or housing manager to find out further information about this option. 

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Housing Options: Staying safe in your home

If you do not want to leave your home, there are options available to minimise the risk to you. These include applying for Non-Molestation and Occupation Orders and the Sanctuary Scheme. 

Sanctuary Scheme 

The Sanctuary Scheme is a project run by the council in partnership with the police. The Sanctuary Scheme lowers risks by doing safety upgrades at home. It includes fitting a sanctuary door, changing locks, securing windows, and installing fireproof letter boxes.

You must be a resident of the borough and be a sole tenant to meet the criteria for assistance. 

For further information, contact the VAWG & Hate Crime Team by phone 0800 279 5434 or email domestic.violence@towerhamlets.gov.uk.

Applying for an injunction 

You can apply for a civil injunction to gain protection from an abuser. A Non-molestation order stops abusers from threatening victims. An Occupation order determines who stays in a home after abuse.

The National Centre for Domestic Violence can help with this. Legal advice options: Call Ascent Legal (020 7608 1137) or Bowling & Co Solicitors (Legal: 020 8221 8000, Emergencies: 07464 925 083).

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Support for council tenants

All our staff receive training around domestic abuse. Call us in confidence on 020 7364 5015. We will put you through to your housing officer or a member of their team. Your housing officer can arrange to meet with you face to face.

Our officers can meet you:

  • at your home
  • at one of our offices
  • or elsewhere.

Your meeting with them will be completely confidential.

Your housing officer can talk to you about what we can do to help. That might be:

  • supporting you to stay in your own home
  • finding refuge
  • rehousing

Your housing officer will not tell anyone about the things you discuss unless:

  • you agree, or
  • you or your family are in serious, immediate danger.

If we cannot help you directly, we can refer you to organisations that can. With your consent, we can refer you to a support agency who are specialists in domestic abuse. They can give you advice on different options, such as an injunction. Injunctions can be used to stop the abuser from entering your home.

Help for children and young  people 

If you or someone else in your family is being hurt at home, you may not be sure what you can do about it. Domestic abuse is not your fault and you will not get into trouble for telling someone about it.

The first thing is to tell someone else about what is happening to you. You can tell a teacher, a neighbour, a friend or a friend's parent. 

You can call Childline on 0800 1111 for free. They will not tell anyone else you are calling unless you are in immediate danger. They can tell you about places where you can get help. 

What if I have ‘No Recourse to Public Funds’?  

People who have No Recourse to Public Funds are not eligible for housing assistance from the council.

If you seek help for homelessness, we'll offer advice and support from our Domestic Violence Advocate or other specialists.

Depending on your situation, they might help with the Destitute Domestic Violence Concession application.

Advice and support for victims who have NRPF can also be sought from Refuge National Domestic Abuse Helpline, Rights of Women, Women’s Aid, Southall Black Sisters, NIA or other local support services which can be found using the Women’s Aid Directory.

The Citizens Advice Bureau and Law Centres will also be able to provide advice. Tower Hamlets Citizens Advice Bureau address: 32 Greatorex Street, London, E1 5NP.

For online information and advice

You can look for a solicitor or immigration representative in your area using Civil Legal Advice (084 3345 4345, Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm. Saturday, 9am to 2.30pm). 

Tower Hamlets may be required to provide NRPF families with accommodation and/or financial support when there is a child under 18 in the family.

If this is a situation that applies to you, you can contact our Social services department on 020 7364 5000. 

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