Keys, fobs and storage

Keys and fobs 

Many blocks have controlled door entry systems for the safety and security of residents. If you lose your key fob, we will replace it, but we charge a fee of £20 each. We do not charge a fee to replace faulty fobs although you will be required to return the faulty fob to us. 

We will replace a stolen key fob for free. You must provide a crime reference number (CAD) from the police. 

To request a new or replacement fob for your block, please ring 020 7364 5015. 

New door entry systems

If your block has had a recent upgrade, we will change your old fobs for new ones. There is no cost for this. To request a new or replacement fob, please ring 020 7364 5015. 

Assa keys

We can replace your lost Assa key. These cost £20 each. To request a new or replacement Assa key, please  call 020 7364 5015. 

Gerda keys

Gerda gates are installed on some of our estates to prevent unauthorised parking. To request a new or replacement Gerda key, please call 020 7364 5015.

You will only be issued with a Gerda key if you are authorised to park on the estate. There is a charge of £75 to replace lost Gerda keys. 

Bike shelters

We encourage responsible cycle storage. To help our cyclists who are residents, we rent shelters and work with third parties to provide bike shelters and lockers in convenient locations.

Never leave your bike in an area which could cause a nuisance or an obstruction to others. We remove and dispose of unauthorised bikes which we find. 

If you are resident on a Tower Hamlets housing estate then you can apply online for one of the bike shelter spaces we manage (if you are not a resident please contact your own landlord).

Spaces cost £10 per year, or part thereof. Payment is due every April.

When completing the application form you will need to upload ONE document from the following list: 

  • Driving licence registered at your current address 
  • Signed tenancy agreement showing you as the main tenant 
  • Signed lease agreement showing you as a leaseholder 
  • DWP letter for the current financial year 
  • Council Tax bill for the current financial year 
  • Utility bill - gas, electricity, water or landline dated within the last six months 

If a space is available, we will ask you to complete a licence form for the bike shelter. 

It can take up to 10 working days to process your application. If you do not hear from us within 10 days, your application was not successful 

If there is no available space in our bike shelters you can find more details about available spaces in your area from Bike Away  and Cycle hoop.

These companies rent their storage directly and all enquiries should be directed to them. The council is not responsible for the content of these external websites or the services provided by these companies.

Apply for a bike shed

Cancelling your licence or reporting damage

If you change your address, you must close your account. To do this, complete a Termination of Licence form. Return the keys to the Resident Hub in Tower Hamlets Town Hall.  

To report damage to a bike shelter or locks, please contact us

Storage sheds 

Storage sheds and pram sheds are available to rent on some of our estates.  You must be a resident to rent a shed. 

The rent for a shed is currently £2.23 per week. 

On some estates there is a high demand for sheds and therefore we may have to add you to a waiting list.  

Apply for a storage shed