Estate parking

Parking on estates

You must display a valid estate parking permit when parked on a council estate.

NSL enforce the parking rules on council estates. They will issue a ticket if a vehicle does not display a valid estate parking permit or causes an obstruction.

Estate parking permits

We give you an ‘estate parking’ and ‘any vehicle’ permit when you rent a car space. Each permit is valid for one year. Each permit is valid only on a council estate.

Using an 'estate parking' or 'any vehicle' permit

You cannot use an ‘estate parking’ or ‘any vehicle’ permit:

  • to park on the street
  • to park on other private land
  • both at the same time (within the area specified on your estate parking permit)

Visitor parking

Visitor’s vouchers from Tower Hamlets Council are NOT valid on council estates in line with our terms and conditions. On non-TMO estates, if you would like to park in a visitors bay, you can use the bay for up to six hours. After this period you must move your vehicle otherwise it will be subject to enforcement action.

For TMO estates you can purchase visitor scratch cards if you are a:

  1. Resident or their non- dependants living in council-managed estate/block
  2. Sub tenant – living in council estate/block
  3. Non-resident leaseholder – carrying out maintenance to their property

You must provide a document which shows proof of residence (must have name and address). This could be: 

  1. Driving licence
  2. Utility bills – gas or electric (dated within three months of application – includes online printed bills)
  3. Council tax bill – (current financial year)
  4. Tenancy agreement (current years for sub-tenants or start date within 3 months for tenants)
  5. Service charge bill/statement (current financial years, only for non – resident leaseholders plus letter/email/quotes from building maintenance company on a headed paper stating address of property and details of work being carried out.)

How do I apply?

The cost of a visitor scratch card is £3 per card. Payment can be made by bank cards (excluding American express/diners cards) and phone on 020 7364 5015.

Terms and conditions

  1. Maximum of 10 visitor scratch cards can be purchased in any rolling months per property.
  2. Each scratch card is valid for whole day (mid night to mid night and two years from date of issue).
  3. Cards will only be issued for zone / estate nearest to applicants address.
  4. They are valid on council estate visitors bays only (they are not valid on resident permit holder / disabled / contractors bays in council estates or the public highway / non council estates/private land).
  5. Only one scratch card can be displayed at any given time.
  6. No refund will be issued for out of date or unused scratch card. 
  7. The scratch card does not guarantee a parking space.
  8. Any alternations or tampering on the scratch card will make it invalid.
  9. The scratch card is only valid for the zone / estate printed on it.

Disabled parking

On some of our estates, we have parking spaces for disabled residents.

Bays for disabled parking are usually marked. They will show as disabled or display the international wheelchair symbol. You must display a valid blue badge when parked in a disabled bay. If a valid blue badge is not displayed, NSL issue a parking ticket.

Enquiries and applications

If you are a council tenant or leaseholder and you would like to send us an enquiry about parking on our estates, please visit MyHome and choose the Contact Us option.

If you do not have access to MyHome or you are not a council tenant or leaseholder, send us an enquiry.

Submit a Parking Enquiry



If you wish to find out more about applying for a garage or parking space, please visit our parking and garage applications page.

Penalty Charge Notices (PCN)

How much is a penalty charge notice?

A parking ticket carries a fine of £100. You have 28 days to pay. The charge is reduced to £60 if you pay within 14 days of the date of issue.

Pay a Parking Charge Notice

  • Pay online - insert button required
  • By telephone - 0343 357 1555 then option 1 *Call charges to NSL apply

Appeal a Parking Charge Notice

Submit your appeal by email, post or telephone. Include the reference number of the PCN.

  • Email -
  • Post - Tower Hamlets Homes Parking, PO Box 714, Oldham, OL1 9NR
  • Telephone - 0343 357 1555 *Call charges to NSL apply

*NSL’s payment and enquiry line is a general service number and not a premium rate number. Numbers that start with 03 are charged at the same rate as standard landline numbers that start with 01 or 02. For more information, visit Ofcom.