Ward Councillor role profile

Role profile for all councillors

This is the basic role profile for all Councillors. The ‘add-ons’ for specific roles such as Committee Chair should be seen as additional to this basic profile.

Summary of responsibilities


Act as a voice for all residents (regardless of whether they voted for you):

  • listening to their concerns,
  • ideas,
  • feedback, and
  • representing them effectively in Council meetings and other forums.

Manage resident casework appropriately.

Be a Corporate Parent to support vulnerable young people in the borough.

Policy making

Contribute to the development and review of policies, strategies, and plans that govern the local authority's activities, ensuring they align with the best interests of the community.

Community engagement

Engage with the community through regular meetings, public consultations, and events. Fostering a transparent and inclusive decision-making process.


Advocate for local issues at regional, national, and, where applicable, international levels. Ensuring that the interests of the local authority are effectively represented.

Committee work 

Participate in committees, sub-committees, and working groups. Including making sure you have read the papers are fully prepared for the meeting.

Budget oversight

As a Member of council, approve the Council’s Budget and Council Tax and any other budget and policy framework items as required. Ensuring financial resources are allocated efficiently and in line with the priorities of the local authority.

Ethical conduct

Uphold high ethical standards, ensuring compliance with codes of conduct and relevant legislation. Avoiding conflicts of interest.

General expectations

  • Make good use of the Member Bulletin, Members Hub and other support services available to Members.
  • Undertake mandatory training and participate in wider Member Learning and Development as appropriate including maintaining a Personal Development Plan.

Key knowledge and skills


  • Understanding of how the council works.
  • Knowledge of the council structure, key contact officers and services procedures and eligibility criteria.
  • Knowledge of the political decision-making structures, procedures and protocols.
  • Awareness of relevant legal and policy frameworks impacting local government.
  • Understanding of the Code of Conduct for councillors, ethics and standards and the role of the Standards Committee and the Standards Board for England.
  • Understanding of national policies and their impact on the Council.
  • Knowledge of the strategic priorities and key policies of the Council.
  • Understanding of legislation and council policies to which Members must adhere (e.g. Dignity at Work, Smoking Policy, Freedom of Information, Data Protection, equality legislation).
  • Basic understanding local government finances and audit processes.
  • Understanding the Corporate Parenting responsibilities.
  • Knowledge of the Councils complaints procedure.
  • For Members who sit on quasi-judicial panels, knowledge of legislation and policy relating to planning, licensing, and appeals is required and an understanding of the principles and importance of making rational decisions.
  • Understand your ward, communities and businesses and their needs and what they can offer to the borough.


  • Ability to read and digest reports and policy documents
  • Ability to handle difficult customers
  • Chairing skills and management of meetings and events
  • ICT and Social Media Skills
  • Ability to manage the political environment whilst working cross-party where appropriate
  • Managing conflicting workloads and general time management
  • Negotiation, presentation, questioning and debating skills
  • Ability to engage and effectively communicate with local residents, businesses and organisations

Training and mandatory requirements

If you complete all Mandatory Ward Councillor Training you will get a ‘Member Certificate of Training and Development’.

Mandatory training

  • Participation in the Post-Election Induction Programme• Ethics and Probity / Code of Conduct*
  • Information Governance*
  • Equalities*
  • Corporate Parenting and Safeguarding*
  • Training for specific committees (appointment depending)*
  • Personal safety and handling abuse and intimidation*

Potential training

  • Democratic Decision Making and Governance*
  • Presentation and Public Speaking
  • Speed Reading
  • Media and Communications (including Social Media)*
  • Understanding Council Finances*
  • Risk, Audit and Control*
  • Holding difficult conversations
  • ICT (General and on specific software as required)
  • Questioning skills

*May be included as part of the Member Induction Programme

Mandatory requirements

  • Sign the acceptance of office• Adhere to the Code of Conduct and Member Officer Relations Policy
  • Adhere to the Social Media Policy
  • Register as a Data Controller with the Information Commissioner
  • Complete ICT, HR and other induction forms and processes as required
  • Complete a Register of Interests within 28 days of election and inform the Council of any changes within 28 days of those changes happening
  • Submit gifts and hospitality declarations as required.
  • Maintain a Register of Interests and declare interests at meetings
  • Treat all Members and officers with respect and engage constructively in debates at Council and Committee meetings.
  • Undertake any required checks for specific roles (e.g. DBS checks where appropriate).• Complete a Personal Development Plan and review it annually.