Cabinet Member role profile

This role profile in addition to the Ward Councillor profile.

Summary of responsibilities

  • To provide strong and fair political leadership and the strategic direction for the effective delivery of services within the relevant portfolio.
  • To ensure that the council delivers high quality, efficient, value for money services within the relevant portfolio.

General expectations

  • To share with appropriate service managers responsibility for the performance of services and functions within the relevant portfolio.
  • To act as spokesperson within and outside the council on those services.
  • To propose new policy and strategic thinking. To make recommendations to the Cabinet on matters within the relevant portfolio and on cross cutting issues as appropriate.
  • To share collective responsibility for decisions taken by the Cabinet.
  • To take the lead in overseeing the monitoring of relevant service budgets included in the remit of the portfolio.
  • To ensure the delivery of best value and continuous improvement in services and implementation of best practice in the council.
  • To ensure effective communication of the decisions related to the portfolio responsibilities to the council, the community and all appropriate agencies/bodies.
  • To be involved in partnership working in the relevant area of responsibility.
  • To have regard to the relevant and Scrutiny Committee and task groups, attend the relevant meeting. To ensure that recommendations in relation to the portfolio responsibilities are fully considered and responded to.
  • To seek to involve and consult non-Cabinet members in the area of work for which you have responsibility, particularly members of the relevant overview and scrutiny committees.
  • To seek appropriate advice and support from officers of the council.
  • To ensure that you are informed of good practice within the council and elsewhere.
  • To undertake media and other public affairs work on behalf of the council.

Key knowledge and skills


  • Understanding of the services relevant to the posts listed Portfolio of Responsibilities.
  • Understanding of policy development.


  • Strategic and leadership skills

Training and mandatory requirements

Potential training

  • Local Government Association (LGA) leadership and portfolio training
  • Community leadership
  • Engaging with partners

Mandatory requirements

  • A full DBS Check (Adults’ Social Care, Children Social Care, Education and Youth Cabinet Portfolios)