Committee Chair role profile

This role profile in addition to the Ward Councillor profile.

Summary of responsibilities

  • To chair and manage the meetings of the relevant committee fairly and in line with the council Procedure Rules and any relevant Committee Procedure Rules.
  • To ensure the committee undertakes the responsibilities set out in its Terms of Reference.
  • To work with relevant officers to support the Committee’s work plan and to agree items of business as appropriate.
  • To ensure decisions are taken fairly and transparently and that debates are undertaken in an appropriate fashion with all Members able to contribute.
  • That, where appropriate, residents and other interested parties are able to contribute to the Committee meetings (taking account of any relevant procedures).
  • To attend any pre-committee briefings as required.
  • To ensure that decisions made are clear and reflected in the minutes.
  • To take part in decision making as a committee member and in accordance with the relevant code of conduct and terms of reference.

Key knowledge and skills


  • Good understanding of the Council Procedure Rules and relevant Committee Procedure Rules.
    • For Licensing/Planning – good understanding of the relevant Committee Codes of Conduct.
  • Good understanding of rules relating to Registering Interests at Committee meetings.


  • Chairing Skills

Training and other mandatory requirements

Potential training

  • Chairing Skills

Committee Specific Training applies to all Committee Members and is captured on the Ward Councillor role description