Tower Hamlets Civic Awards 2025

The nomination period has ended

Do you know someone we should all be proud of?

All over Tower Hamlets, there are special people who are working to make things better. People who live, work or study in the area and who help to improve the quality of life for other people.

The council’s Civic Awards Scheme allows us to thank the borough’s unsung heroes and heroines.

For nominees aged 26+

If you know someone who:

For nominees aged 11 to 25

If you know someone who:

Notes and tips on completing the nomination form

  • It may help to consider the four “W’s” - who, what, where and when

  • Who are they, and what do they do that you consider merits an award?
    Remember if the person undertakes these services/activities as part of their paid job they will not be eligible. If you feel that their actions exceed what they are paid to do your submission must clearly demonstrate this.

  • Where do they undertake these activities?
    It must be within the borough of Tower Hamlets – in the case of category B above have they represented the borough? 

  • When did the person undertake these activities?
    It should be recent or ongoing.

You do not need to write a long essay.  We need facts supported by examples to show eg how the person changes people’s lives in a way that others may not.

Posthumous awards will only be given within one year of death.

If you need any advice or assistance with completing the form please phone 020 7364 4883 or email