
Transparency data

We are committed to being open and transparent about how we work, our decision-making processes and the services provided. As part of this commitment we publish the following relevant data to increase democratic accountability and to comply with the requirements of the Local Government Transparency Code 2015.

Anyone can use our data. You don't have to apply or ask for permission, but you do have to agree to the terms of the Open Government Licence for public sector information.

In order to assist residents in locating the information, we have grouped it by category. Find out more about the overview and scrutiny transparency commission.

What is open data?

The idea of open data is that non-personal information held by government and local councils should be freely available for anyone to use.

We want to make our data available for the benefit of everyone, so that:

  • we increase the transparency and accountability of what we do
  • you can re-use, remix and share the data in new and interesting ways
  • you can use the data to create useful applications and websites.

What data is available?

The open data currently available from us is listed as follows. Over time we will be making more information available for you to re-use and share. If you have ideas for other data that you think would be useful to be available, please email

Frequently asked questions

If you are unable to find the information you require, please see our frequently asked questions (FAQs).


Read the report from the LGA following its recent review of the council’s communications activities:


Find out about the council's constitution. If you're having difficulty viewing it, you can access the HTML version

Decision making

Search for agendas, reports and council decisions.

Code of Corporate Governance

The Code of Corporate Governance sets out our commitment to uphold the highest possible standards of good governance.


Find out more about expenditure exceeding £250 and payment card spend.


Find out about the anti-fraud and corruption strategy available in Word, Excel and csv format.

Freedom of information disclosure

Find out more about the Freedom of Information disclosure log. You can still access the former disclosure log to obtain information that has been provided in response to FOI requests prior to 20 July 2015.


Find out more about grants, community and social enterprise organisations.

Gender pay gap

Find out more about the gender pay gap.


Find the details of land and building assets in Excel or as a PDF and the explanatory notes to go with them.

Members’ allowance payments

Find out more about members' allowance payments.

Non-domestic rates

Find out more about non-domestic rates.


Find out more about parking revenue and controlled parking spaces.

Pay policy

Read out pay policy

Procurement information

Find out more about contract and tender information.

Tenders: London Tender Portal

Public sector equality duty

As part of the Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) under the Equality Act 2010, the council has published a range of equality monitoring data, including information relating to people who share a protected characteristic who are the council's employees and people affected by our policies and practices (for example, service users).

Social housing asset register

Find out more about the social housing asset register.

Staff and trade unions

Find out more about staff and trade unions.