The Tower Hamlets Brexit Commission

The Tower Hamlets Brexit Commission was established in September 2018 to examine the likely impact of the UK's departure from the European Union on our borough.
It was tasked with focusing on three key areas:
- The delivery of public services
- Business and the local economy
- Civil society
On Thursday 14 February 2019, the commission published its report.
A statement on the release of the report from Cllr Amina Ali, cabinet member for Brexit and chair of the Tower Hamlets Brexit Commission:
“Our residents have benefitted from millions of pounds of EU funding in recent years and we know that the community and voluntary sector is struggling to plan in the face of significant financial uncertainty. We will be working closely with our neighbouring boroughs, and with the Mayor of London, to lobby Government to ensure it puts like-for-like financial support at the heart of its post-Brexit plans.
“We have also heard from businesses that are anticipating significant skills gaps in their sectors as a result of EU citizens choosing to return to their home countries rather than continue to face the challenges of life in the UK after the referendum.
“Tower Hamlets is home to more than 41,000 non-UK EU citizens and we are doing all we can to reassure them and encourage them to stay. But where opportunities do emerge in changing job markets, we are calling on businesses to work with us to identify the steps that need to be taken to ensure that it is local people who can acquire the skills to fill those vacancies.
“These are just a few of the 24 recommendations that will form the basis for our intensive partnership working as we prepare to tackle the effects of Brexit in our borough.”