Tower Hamlets Notice of Penalty Charge Changes

Following approval by the Mayor of London and no objections after notifying the Secretary of State for Transport, penalty charges and additional fees will increase across all 32 London boroughs and the City of London from Monday, 7 April 2025.

Public service parking permit

Our parking permits are ‘virtual’, paperless permits. This means that you will not receive a paper permit to put in your vehicle. Instead, parking officers will be able to check on the system if a car has a valid permit. 

Documents you will need to apply

You must include the following documents as proof of eligibility:

  • Employer letter to confirm that you are an employee and that you require your vehicle to carry out your day-to-day duties; and
  • Insurance certificate to show that you are covered for ‘business use’; or
  • If you work in a school delivering the national curriculum the insurance certificate to show that you are covered for commuting to a permanent place of work

How to apply and pay

You can now apply and pay for all parking permits online through our parking permit system. You can check how we work out the cost of your permit here.

To apply for any permit, you must first set up an account. When registering, choose ‘Public Service’ as your customer type to apply for a resident permit.

Please note: this service is currently unavailable to LBTH or THH staff who pay by cost code. You will need to complete and upload your application through the contact form to allow us to process your application. 

Register for an account



Once we receive your application, it will be assessed within three working days. If you start your permit straightaway you can park before your application is approved.

After you complete the registration you will also be able to apply for public service vouchers

Please read the terms and conditions and then complete the online application.

Apply for a public service parking permit



Public service vouchers

After you register you will be able to apply for public service vouchers. You will have to include an employer letter to confirm that your organisation require vouchers to deliver the service.

Please read the terms and conditions for more information.

Help with your application

For more information and help please check our help page first. If you cannot find the right information, please contact us.