Tower Hamlets Notice of Penalty Charge Changes

Following approval by the Mayor of London and no objections after notifying the Secretary of State for Transport, penalty charges and additional fees will increase across all 32 London boroughs and the City of London from Monday, 7 April 2025.

Dispensation terms and conditions

General Terms and Conditions

1) Unless there are exceptional circumstances, dispensations will be granted only where there is no alternative parking available for the reasons set out in the application.

2) It is your responsibility to ensure that the vehicle parked does not cause obstruction or danger to other road users. Failure to do so may result in a Penalty Charge Notice being issued.

3) Dispensation will not be granted to vehicles for sale or promoting goods and services.

4) Vehicles must be moved on the instruction of a Police Officer, a Civil Enforcement Officer or a Tower Hamlets Enforcement Officer.

5) The bay suspension administration charge is non-refundable for all approved applications.

6)A maximum of 3 vehicles can be submitted per application. 

7) More than 3 vehicles would require another application(s).

8) Administration charges are payable for each application and are non-refundable.

9) 3 working days notice is required by email for any cancellations or changes to your application. 

10) Where relevant, refunds will be processed within 28 days from confirmation of receipt. 

11) All requests must be sent to

12) For dispensation charges please refer to the fees and charges.

Data Protection and General Data Protection Regulation

11.1   To view how the council will use your data, please see visit the data protection & freedom of information section.

11.2   To view our Privacy Notice, see our legal notices.

11.3   We may share information provided to us with other bodies responsible for; auditing, or administering public funds, or where undertaking a public function, in order to prevent and detect fraud.