Opportunity for catering concessions in parks

Tower Hamlets has many beautiful parks and open spaces used by both residents and visitors to the borough.

We have a great opportunity for local businesses to trade in our parks for the summer season.

We are seeking to license:

- catering vans
- catering operators at fixed pitches
- healthy street food trucks

We have opportunities in parks across the borough for vendors who have Public Liability Insurance and Food Hygiene Certificate.

If you are interested in applying, please email parks@towerhamlets.gov.uk.

Visit our parks

Tower Hamlets has over 120 parks and green spaces for everyone to enjoy. From small pocket parks to garden squares and parks of national repute, they are loved by our residents.

13 of our parks hold Green Flag Awards and we hold 9 gold awards from London in Bloom.

Victoria Park holds the Green Flag People’s Choice award as one of the Top 10 parks in the country. Victoria Park also won Best Park in London in the Time Out Best of the City Awards 2021. Several other squares and green spaces have won awards for design and excellence.

Our parks are home to a wide range of features. Victoria Park has historical lakes, the Burdett Coutts Memorial, the bandstand and two of the original London Bridge stone alcoves. Mile End Park provides a natural environment.  It is home to the Art and Ecology Pavilions, as well as a sports stadium and a go-cart track.

Whether you're looking for playgrounds, outdoor gyms, historic churches, beautiful fountains or peaceful gardens, our parks have lots to explore. 

Map of the borough's parks

When you visit our parks please do not feed or leave food for wildlife as this encourages vermin.

Enjoy our parks

Web mile end park play

The borough’s parks host a variety of events and activities throughout the year. The council’s events team supports a programme of large festivals, funfairs, arts, music and dance events in the parks.  Large music and cultural Festivals are held in Victoria Park.

Find out how to hire our parks for events.

The park rangers hold outdoor community events including guided walks, school holiday activities, bulb planting, and more.

The Art Pavilion in Mile End Park hosts art exhibitions and workshops.  The Art and Ecology Pavilion are available for private hire and are popular venues for wedding and corporate events.  

The parks also provide venues for sponsored walks, fun runs and cycling.

Our children’s playgrounds are very popular. We have been improving our play spaces to make them more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.  Find out about our playgrounds and inclusive play.

Find out more about recent park developments and improvements.

The history of our parks and open spaces

Parks and open spaces in Tower Hamlets have come into being in a variety of ways. Some were the result of deliberate design or policy, while others were the result of historical accidents.

Find out more about the history of our parks and open spaces 

Get healthy in parks

Mile End park cyclist

Parks are great places to unwind. Sitting and relaxing in a pleasant green environment and spending a moment in touch with nature helps to reduce stress levels and improves your well-being.

Tower Hamlets parks also offer a great variety of opportunities for a more active lifestyle. Sports and play facilities can be found in this guide.

Discover the great outdoors on your doorstep! Walk Tower Hamlets have walking groups across the borough that anyone is welcome to join.  Find out more about walking in Tower Hamlets

If you want to improve your health and fitness but don’t know how to get started, our Healthy Lifestyles team can offer advice and information on a range of activities.

Mile End parkrun: A free, fun, and friendly weekly 5k community event. Walk, jog or run. This is a free event every Saturday. Advance registration is required.

We have outdoor gyms in parks across the borough.  The gyms have a variety of equipment for strength workouts, cardio, toning, calisthenics. 


We do not allow barbeques in our parks and open spaces.  They do permanent damage to the grass and are a fire risk. 

Parks for people and wildlife

Parks perform an essential role in nature conservation by providing habitats for wildlife.

We are working to improve the wildlife value and habitats within parks. Creating areas for nature not only encourages wildlife, it provides ‘spaces for reflection’ – quiet areas, screened by trees and shrubberies with wild flowers where people can enjoy the natural surroundings.

There are two local nature reserves, Tower Hamlets Cemetery Park and the Mudchute Park and Farm. These nature reserves are examples of excellence in nature conservation and provide training for local volunteers to gain new skills.

Find out more about wildlife and nature conservation in our parks, and view our local biodiversity action plan.

Contact us

Mile End Park and other parks: mileendpark@towerhamlets.gov.uk

Park Ranger Team
Tel: 07951 321051

Mile End Park Play Pavilion
Tel: 020 7364 5227

For Arts/Ecology Pavilion bookings (only)
Email: Pavilionbookings@towerhamlets.gov.uk
Tel: 020 7364 3115

Victoria Park: victoriapark@towerhamlets.gov.uk

Victoria Park Ranger Phone (during park opening hours):
Tel: 020 8985 5699