Members of the Tower Hamlets Housing Forum (THHF)

Current THHF Executive membership

THHF Executive 

The THHF Executive is the representative body overall responsible for promoting the aims and objectives of THHF. All THHF sub-groups report progress with their annual work plans directly to THHF Executive.

The Chair of THHF Executive is Pam Bhamra who can be contacted at

Objective and purpose

The housing associations work with us through THHF to help deliver the housing vision set out through a number of key housing statements and strategies. They do this through a number of THHF sub-groups.

The sub-groups are required to undertake work and or activities to assist the THHF in meeting its objectives. These objectives and targets are generally defined within the Community Plan.

The specific objectives of the sub groups are:

  • To encourage, develop and support effective inter-agency working
  • Monitor the quality of inter-agency work and inform the THHF Executive of issues for training and policy development
  • To share positive practice and promote continuous improvement within housing associations
  • To undertake specific work at the request of the THHF Executive

Current sub-groups

Anti-social behaviour strategy group

The ASB strategy group considers all matters related to anti-social behaviour and is responsible for the implementation and monitoring of the ASB delivery plan. 

The Chair is Ann Otesanya, email:

Housing Management sub-group

The housing management sub-group considers all matters relating to housing management and also identifies and implements initiatives to reduce financial exclusion.

The Chair is  Pam Bhamra, email:

Benchmarking sub-group

The benchmarking sub-group collects performance information comparing key performance indicators (KPIs) and also shares best practice guidance on a range of housing issues.

The Chair is Susan Hanlon, email:

Community Involvement Network

The Community Involvement Network works with housing associations in organising and delivering community based projects while promoting community engagement with residents.

The Chair is Anabel palmer, email:

Common Housing Register  Forum

The Common Housing Register Forum works to identify issues around lettings and allocation policies and discusses implementation of the Common Housing Register.  

The Chair is Andrea Baker, email:

Development sub-group

The development sub-group involves representatives from the Council and housing associations who work together to improve the quality, and maximise delivery of, new affordable housing across the borough.

The Chair is  Neil Baron who can be contacted at:

Public Realm sub-group

The public realm sub-group focuses on initiatives that improve the maintenance, cleanliness and health and safety of public areas on housing  estates as well as exploring best practice approaches to recycling. 

The Chair is Jackie Fearon, email:

Asset Management sub-group

The asset management sub-group considers all matters relating to asset management and works to develop and share good practice and continuous improvement in asset management issues.
The Chair is John Henderson, email:

The Chair of THHF Executive is Pam Bhamra, email:

More information on THHF Executive and sub-groups can be found in the following short briefing documents.

Briefing documents

Tower Hamlets Housing Forum: Annual Report 2018

The Forum brings together housing providers locally in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets who have made a commitment to work together in partnership to deliver high quality homes and services to local residents. In addition THHF also supports the delivery of the council’s strategic housing objectives as well as the Tower Hamlets Plan 2018-2023.

THHF has a clear governance structure led by the THHF Executive and supported by a range of local sub-groups.This annual report includes our achievements overthe last year. By working in partnership we have been able to ensure continuous improvement in services to residents as well as working with the council to develop new affordable homes and sustainable communities.

Following the tragic events at Grenfell Tower last year, we have been working in partnership with the council to fully review fire safety arrangements and more details of our work on this can be found in the report. We will be continuing our work over the coming year reviewing both the recommendations from the Hackitt Review and the expected recommendations from the public inquiry.

Read the Executive Annual Report 2018.

Other briefings

Resident Scrutiny Panel

THHF supported the formation of a Resident Scrutiny Panel that consists of one resident representative from each of the Registered Providers. The purpose of the group is to share best practice taking place within each of the Registered Providers and participate in joint scrutiny activities that support the drive for continuous improvement.

The Scrutiny Panel is in its second year and much of the last year has been spent training and consolidating the group with the help of an Independent Resident Mentor. This additional support enabled the Panel to successfully complete their first joint scrutiny exercise.

The Panel chose to explore the effectiveness of the Mutual Exchange process across Registered Providers in light of the impact of recent welfare reform legislation. The key recommendations arising from their report will be discussed by the THHF Executive with a view to agreeing which elements of best practice can be implemented to improve the numbers of tenants being able to secure a transfer using this method.

The Panel have also been engaged in preparing and presenting the results of a number of service reviews across their respective Registered Providers. This approach has helped them to gain a better understanding of how their landlords’ business operates and improve their confidence so they feel better prepared to challenge their landlords to improve the way services are currently delivered.

View more on the Resident Scrutiny Panel including minutes from previous meetings:

THHF and the Community Plan

The housing agenda in Tower Hamlets already has many positive aspects, but we need to achieve more. We must meet our housing need and ensure we create places where people want to live and work, striving to achieve the vision of One Tower Hamlets and the Community Plan.

Housing is a central theme within the Community Plan and work undertaken by THHF reflects the important relationship that THHF Executive and the sub-groups have in meeting the vision outlined.