Performance and updates

Performance information

THHF collects data on overall performance of housing providers in two key ways – through the Housemark Tower Hamlets benchmarking club and through the Performance Management Framework.

Housemark Tower Hamlets benchmarking club

This benchmarking club reports quarterly on a range of key performance indicators (KPIs) to the benchmarking sub-group. The club looks at performance specifically in Tower Hamlets. Where performance is high in a particular area good practice is shared within members of the benchmarking and other THHF sub-groups.

The Performance Management Framework

Currently the council collects a variety of information from RPs working in the borough in addition to the benchmarking data outlined above.

A performance management framework (PMF) has been devised to further develop partnership working, to deepen understanding of housing performance and share good practice with the aim of supporting continuous improvement.

The PMF monitors KPIs that are linked to the Homes and Communities Agency’s (HCA’s) consumer or economic standards and a number of key customer facing KPIs.

KPIs are collected at regular intervals and this began from 2013/14 onwards. Annual reviews have been held from 2014 onwards on a risk basis to consider engagement with the THHF Executive and sub-groups, performance against the PMF KPIs and to share any good practice RPs have introduced.

Homes and Communities Agency

The Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) is the non-departmental public body that funds new affordable housing in England. It was established by the Housing and Regeneration Act 2008 as one of the successor bodies to the Housing Corporation, and became operational on December 1, 2008.

Initially the Housing Corporation's regulatory powers were transferred to an independent body, subsequently named as the Tenant Services Authority (TSA). However, following the abolition of the TSA its economic regulation and backstop consumer regulation functions transferred to the HCA which is now also responsible for regulation within social housing from April 1, 2012.

The HCA no longer produces detailed performance data on Registered Providers performance, leaving this primarily to individual RPs to produce and benchmark via external organisations such as Housemark. Information on the role of the HCA can be accessed via the HCA website.

Historical performance information previously produced by the TSA can be accessed via the web portal.

Statistical Data Returns

Statistical Data Returns (SDR), require housing associations to provide information such as all vacancies, accommodation and average rents. You can access all the available documents relating to the most recent Statistical Data Return from the home and communities website.

Historical documentation is available from the year 2000 onwards on the Tenant Services Authority archive.

THHF updates and other key information

Here you can view general information on THHF and updates on housing related news and information on ongoing activities.

Registered Provider owned social housing stock within the borough

There are now over 50 RPs that operate within the borough. The RPs who are members of THHF and/or who are Preferred Partners hold the vast majority of the social housing stock within the borough owned or managed by RPs.

Please download maps of the social housing stock in the borough owned or managed by RPs.

Welfare reform

Welfare reform has seen changes for social housing tenants. THHF members and the council are working in partnership to mitigate the impacts of the changes and promote financial inclusion.

Please visit the welfare reform page for more information.

Planning and Development

Tower Hamlets currently has the largest social housing development programme in the United Kingdom. The council and its THHF partners, along with other Preferred Partners in the borough are working hard to meet ambitious social house-building targets in the future.

Please visit the planning and development page for more information.

Anti-social behaviour

Download the THHF ASB newsletter for the latest news on the work carried out by the THHF anti-social behaviour sub-group.