Eligibility criteria

To be eligible for CLDS support, you or the adult you are referring must have a Global Learning Disability. The criteria that must all be present for this is:

  • a significant impairment of intellectual functioning   
  • a significant impairment of adaptive/ social functioning   
  • age of onset before adulthood.

We understand that you or the person you are referring may experience only one or two of these impairments. If you know that is the case, you should contact Tower Hamlets Connect to request support from mainstream Adult Social Care.

If you don’t know and suspect you or the person you are referring has an undiagnosed learning disability complete our referral form. This will help you and CLDS decide if an assessment is required.

Send to:
CLDS 2nd Floor Beaumont House
Mile End Hospital
Bancroft Road
London E1 4DG

Email: Elft.THCLDS@nhs.net
Tel: 020 7771 5500