Report electoral fraud

Your Vote is Yours Alone

Tower Hamlets Returning Officer, The Metropolitan Police, Tower Hamlets Council and the Electoral Commission take prevention of electoral malpractice very seriously.

This form lets you submit any concerns that you may have about any kind of inappropriate activity relating to elections in Tower Hamlets. 

The information you supply will be circulated to the Police, the council and the Returning Officer for them to review and investigate.

Alternatively you can contact the police directly by email, call 101 or contact Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 who will pass the information on to Tower Hamlets Police.

It is important that the content you provide is accurate, truthful and related to potential electoral malpractice.

Please complete the form as comprehensively as possible including your name, address and contact details. If your complaint results in legal or police action, you may be contacted to provide further details about the information you have given.


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