Tower Hamlets Notice of Penalty Charge Changes

Following approval by the Mayor of London and no objections after notifying the Secretary of State for Transport, penalty charges and additional fees will increase across all 32 London boroughs and the City of London from Monday, 7 April 2025.

Service standards

Our customer promise

We will always:

  • Give you our name and section
  • Be polite, helpful and honest
  • Treat you with respect
  • Treat you fairly
  • Take responsibility for assisting you and not pass you around
  • Listen to your views
  • Make it clear what we can and cannot do
  • Be accountable for the service we provide
  • Consider your needs when designing our service
  • Admit when things go wrong and do our best to put them right

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Our standards

For service users transported for SEN & Adult Services departments

  • Scheduled journey times for children within the Borough are a maximum of 55 minutes and 45 minutes for Adults.
  • We tell passengers what time we will pick them up and deliver them home.
  • We will let our passengers know directly, or through their school or centre, if we are going to change these arrangements.
  • We will provide appropriate care and security to our passengers while they are on the bus.
  • Our staff will wear uniforms and carry photographic identification, be appropriately trained, and have been checked through the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB).
  • We will wait for up to three minutes past the scheduled pick up time in case passengers are late. 
  • We will report to our client officer if passengers are regularly late
  • We will take passengers to a place of safety and leave a note giving full details of where they are, if we cannot deliver them home.
  • We will contact passengers, wherever possible, to advise them if the bus is running more than 10 minutes late.

Passenger Services are proud to have been awarded the Government's national standard for excellence in customer serviceCharter Mark

We expect the same standards of quality and customer service from our service partners:

Our communication standards


  • We aim to answer your call within 5 rings during our published  office hours
  • We aim to resolve your enquiry at the first point of contact – or someone will call you back with an agreed time scale
  • If you leave us a message we aim to get back to you within one working day
  • We aim never to let a phone go unanswered during our published office hours

Letters, emails and faxes:

  • We will monitor the speed and quality of our response to customer letters
  • We aim to provide a full response in under 10 working days
  • Where we can’t, we will send you an acknowledgement after five days telling you who is dealing with the matter and when to expect a full response

Face to face:

  • We aim to start dealing with your enquiry within 15 minutes at our depot at Blackwall
  • All reception staff will wear name badges
  • We will provide you with translation and interpreting services should you require them
