Tower Hamlets Notice of Penalty Charge Changes

Following approval by the Mayor of London and no objections after notifying the Secretary of State for Transport, penalty charges and additional fees will increase across all 32 London boroughs and the City of London from Monday, 7 April 2025.

Parking zones and controlled parking times

A controlled parking zone, often referred to as a CPZ, is an area where the council has introduced restrictions on parking during certain times. These restrictions only apply to public roads. Other restrictions apply to private land and streets such as council estates.

When you enter a controlled parking zone you will see a CPZ entry sign, telling you the days and the hours that the restrictions apply to.

Signs displaying the restricted hours and the zone identification code are also erected on all bays throughout the borough.

Where are the controlled parking zones?

The borough currently has 16 mini parking zones. Whilst the signed restrictions will remain in place to prohibit those parking without a permit, the zonal use for those restrictions are changing back to (4) four main parent-controlled parking zones.

If you have any A permit you can park, all day during the controlled hours, in any of the A Zones.

The same applies to holders of any B, C or D permits. You can park all day in any of the zones which have the same letter as your permit.

The map shows the four areas, marked as A (covering areas around Bethnal Green), B (covering areas around Bow), C (covering areas around Shadwell and Stepney) and D (covering around around Poplar and Crossharbour).

The map shows the four areas, marked as A (covering areas around Bethnal Green), B (covering areas around Bow), C (covering areas around Shadwell and Stepney) and D (covering around around Poplar and Crossharbour). 

Parking zones and restriction times

Parking zone, times and restrictions for non-permit holders remain.






A1 and A2






Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm; Sunday, 8.30am to 2pm.

Monday to Saturday, 8.30am to 5.30pm.

Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm.

Monday from midnight to 7pm, Tuesday and Wednesday from 8.30am to 7pm, Thursday from 8.30am to midnight and all-day Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Monday to Sunday, 8.30am to 10pm in RESIDENT permit holders parking bays only in streets to the west of Brick Lane, otherwise restrictions apply Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 7pm; Sunday, 8.30am to 2pm.



B1 and the Chrisp St area of B3

B2 and B3 (excluding Chrisp Street area)


Monday to Saturday, 8.30am to 5.30pm.

Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm.

Monday to Saturday, 8.30am to 7.30pm. Event days only sun 8.30am to 7.30pm. Event days only sun 8.30am to 7.30pm



C1, C2 (except Trinity Square), C3, C4

C2 Trinity Square area

Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm


Monday to Saturday, 8.30am to 5.30pm; Sunday, 8.30am to 2pm.



D1 and D2

Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5.30pm.


Event days

The dates on Sundays when the event day controls apply, will be on all the entry signs coming into the Controlled Parking Zone B4. On these days, all the parking restrictions will be enforced.

Residents who have B4 permit will cover these days. For residents who have visitors on these days, will need to provide them with a visitors permit.

Timetable of London Stadium events

We advertise the date of the next event day on signs at the entrance to each of the CPZs. You can also find a list of upcoming event days on the London Stadium website.

Tower Hamlets Council relies on information stated on the London Stadium website, which it has no control over and unfortunately this may not always show the full schedule of upcoming events. As a precaution all motorists should check the parking signs displayed at the relevant locations to see if an event is taking place’. The signs in place are updated prior to each event at the stadium.

1 hour free parking around Markets

The council has introduced one-hour free parking spaces around markets. The spaces can be identified by sign plates in the area. The available spaces are for shoppers on market days only.

You must book your one-hour free space using the RingGo application or calling the phone number on the sign plate.

Details of the locations of our markets can be found at Markets in Tower Hamlets.

Traffic Management Order

Traffic Management Orders are legal documents that allow Tower Hamlets, as the local highway authority, to manage traffic and parking across the borough. Our Traffic Management Orders are map based and show the restrictions that are in place on parking and moving traffic for all of the borough’s roads.

Details of the restrictions that are in place can be found at Tower Hamlets Traffic Orders.

Where to park during the controlled hours

When you are in the controlled parking zone, you will see a range of bays marked out on the road with white lines, with signs erected to indicate who may park in these bays. View examples of commonly used parking signs.

During the controlled hours, you can only park in a bay if your vehicle meets the criteria specified on these signs. Please note that on public holidays the controls on parking bays do not apply.

We have different types of bays to reflect different types of parking users, examples of these are:

  • resident permit bay
  • permit holders bay
  • business permit bay
  • permit and pay and phone bay
  • personalised disabled bay
  • car club bays
  • suspension signs
  • doctors' bay

Make sure that when you park your vehicle:

  • you are allowed to park in the bay you have chosen
  • you have the relevant permit, visitor voucher or cashless payment appropriate to that bay
  • your permit, etc is valid – for example, make sure the permit has not expired
  • your vehicle is parked with all the wheels within the white lines.

Where to park outside controlled hours


When the CPZ hours do not apply, you can park your vehicle in any bay, except the car club bays, disabled bays and doctor bays.

Single yellow lines

You can park on a single yellow line in a CPZ outside of the restricted hours, or the hours stated on any supplementary plates.

Parking charges can be found in the parking charges section.

Page last updated: 1 February 2023.