Infrastructure planning
Of all 33 London boroughs, Tower Hamlets will see the most significant increase in population and jobs over the next two decades. In a borough that is growing and changing so quickly, a planned and coordinated approach to delivering infrastructure that meets the needs of existing and new residents, workers and visitors and identifies the impacts of future growth is vital.
To this end, we are planning for more health facilities, increasing primary and secondary school places and improving green spaces, transport connections, community facilities and other elements of the borough’s infrastructure.
Existing funding mechanisms such as the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) and Section 106 planning obligations will be used to secure contributions from developers towards the infrastructure needed. The Local Infrastructure Fund (LIF), also known as the CIL Neighbourhood Portion will be used to fund projects to deliver local level infrastructure improvements.
Making a planning application?
The following information may be applicable to any planning applications submitted: