
We pulled together a few testimonials from our staff as well as some of the compliments we've received from service users about their good work.

Abdi, social worker

"I joined Adult Social Care in 2002. This was the best decision I have ever made. Tower Hamlets provides every member of staff with educational and training opportunities and helps staff develop and get into management posts. Tower Hamlets pays well compared to other local authorities."

Salaur, social worker

I have been working in Adult Social Care for nine years and have worked in different teams within this time. Tower Hamlets is a wonderful place to work. It provides both challenges and rewards. Management are supportive of my development as a Social Worker.

I have completed post-graduation courses and have been encouraged to attend internal and external training courses. As an organisation, the council is willing to listen to its staff. As my personal circumstances have changed since I joined the council, the council has been accommodating and flexible. I would recommend others to come and work in Tower Hamlets.

Occupational Therapist, East London NHS Foundation Trust

I would like you to know about the compliment that was received about social worker Heather. Heather recently completed a reassessment for a 27 year old lady. The lady’s sister couldn’t speak highly enough of Heather’s approach, attitude and kindness towards both the client and her mother. The client’s mother expressed her gratitude for how approachable and caring Heather was during the assessment, showing empathy and interest to all that was discussed. This in fact reduced her to tears as she felt completely at ease and reassured because of Heather’s support.

Professional Development Coordinator

I would like to commend both Josephine and Ayan for their ongoing support and commitment to students by regularly providing excellent placement opportunities. They both are one of our best practice educators who are committed to ensure future social workers are well trained and provided with good quality placements.

OT Manager, Community Equipment Store

A service user, aged 87 received a riser recliner. She was so happy that she was singing ‘Ground control to Major Tom’! This was a special order – and time from ordering to delivery and setup was one week.

Hospital Management Board Secretary, Barts Health

I would like to nominate and say ‘thank you’ to Joseph for his support in a complex discharge. He ensured a patient was discharged with the right support in the community. He is so helpful and calm.