Tower Hamlets Housing Forum

THHF inequalities statement 

The last year has laid bare the effects of structural inequality and we all have a role across public service to proactively address discrimination and remove barriers to progression and wellbeing.

The Tower Hamlets Partnership Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Inequalities Commission has made recommendations in its 2021 report to address structural racism.

The Tower Hamlets Housing Forum, made up of social landlords in the Borough, was represented on the Commission and offered evidence to it.

We commit to publicly reporting our progress delivering the Commission’s recommendations.

As community landlords and employers, we stand together in one of the most diverse boroughs in the country to proudly proclaim we are anti-racist.

Clarion Housing logo  East End Homes logo   Gateway logo  L&Q logo Swan housing Poplar HARCA logo

Network Homes Notting Hill logo One Housing logoPeabodyProvidence row logo

Southern Housing GroupTower Hamlets Community Housing Tower Hamlets Homes logo  TH logo


Tower Hamlets Housing Forum (THHF) is a partnership between housing associations (registered providers) and the council. The housing associations work with THHF to help deliver the housing vision set out through a number of key housing statements and strategies. They do this through a number of sub-groups and feed into Local Community Ward Forums (LCWFs) which is the key component of the Tower Hamlets Partnership.

The housing agenda in Tower Hamlets already has many positive aspects, but we need to achieve more to meet our housing need, and ensure we create places where people want to live and work, striving to achieve the vision of One Tower Hamlets and The Community Plan. For further information regarding performance and updates on key events, please view our performance and updates page.

If you want to know more about housing associations (registered providers), visit the Homes and Communities Agency website.

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