Approved Local Affordable Housing Providers

Housing associations (also known as Registered Providers (RPs) are organisations that are run independently from councils. They are the main developers of new homes in the social housing sector and provide housing for people.

They are part funded by the government, through the Homes and Communities Agency and raise the rest of the money they need for developing homes from banks and private finance institutions.

Housing associations are non-profit making organisations so any surpluses are used to maintain existing homes and help finance new ones, they play an important role in providing new homes in the borough and a number of them work with the council to build homes of different tenures for rent, shared ownership or outright sale.

The Associations we work with to develop new homes are known as Approved Local Affordable Housing Providers. Find out more about these those associations.

Tower Hamlets Housing Forum

Tower Hamlets Housing Forum (THHF) is a partnership between the main housing associations that operate in Tower Hamlets and the council.

In December, we launched the Housing Covenant – an agreement between the council and housing associations which sets out how they will work with each other. You can read the covenant.

Each housing association is different and they provide housing for people from many different sections of the community.

Some provide for the whole range of housing needs, from homes to rent for families and single people, to homes for sale through the different low cost home ownership and supported housing schemes.

Housing associations are regulated by the Homes and Communities Agency.

Housing co-operatives are groups of people who live in and collectively manage their accommodation. This involves taking responsibility for arranging repairs, making decisions about rent and who joins or leaves the co-op.

There are more than 45 housing associations working in Tower Hamlets managing over 30,000 homes. Below you will find a list of the housing associations we work with.

The main housing providers in the borough are:

Other housing associations operating in Tower Hamlets:

For more information please contact the council officers who work with the housing associations on 020 7364 0791 or 020 7364 5258.

Data correct as of 1 April 2019