Using MyHome

MyHome allows tenants and leaseholders to access their own online account and manage a range of services at any time of the day or night. Accounts can be accessed using a variety of devices, including mobile phones and tablets.

Key tasks

Report and view repairs

Using the My Repairs service, if you are a tenant, you can view a list of recent and current repairs for your property.

Also, both tenants and leaseholders can view repairs for their block, estate, and communal equipment. This includes lifts, door entry systems, and boilers.

You can check for updates on these repairs and use the secure messaging function to send us chase ups.

You can also request repairs using our reporting system. It has easy-to-follow pictures to identify the correct repair.

Make service requests

Use the Contact Us service to request various services. This includes getting a replacement rent card, adding a lodger (tenants only), and issues with parking, garages, sheds, and bike shelters.

We will be making new services available over the coming months.

You can also see a history of recent contacts with us. This includes online, phone and face-to-face interactions. It shows what they were about, when we responded (and when we were due to respond per our Customer Promises) and the outcome.

Update my personal details

Use the My Personal Details service to update your information. This includes your equality and diversity details. It will help us improve our services.

You can also update your contact address. We use it to send you essential news, like rent notifications and service charge invoices.

Update my contact details

Using the My Contact Details service you can make sure we have your current contact details including phone numbers and your email address. This helps us keep in touch with you by phone, text or email including sending you updates on the progress of repairs.

Access my rent accounts

Using the My Rent Accounts service, tenants and licensees of parking spaces, sheds, or garages can access their rent accounts. They can check payments, view upcoming scheduled payments and set up a direct debit.

Access my service charge account and download a statement

Using the My Service Charge Account service, if you are a leaseholder, you can view your service charge account and all the invoices related to your property. You can also directly download a PDF copy of your service charge account.

Access my documents

Using My Documents you can access copies of letters or forms that we had sent you.

Update my login details

Using the My Login Details service you can update your MyHome login details including resetting your password and memorable question/answer. If you forget your password and cannot login to MyHome, you can use the password reset option on the login page to reset your password.

How to register for MyHome

Find out how to register for MyHome on sign up to MyHome page.

Problems with MyHome

If you’re still having problems registering with MyHome or have any other question about registration, please contact our team at

Digital support

If you or someone you know needs help to get online, there’s a range of support available. Visit our Digital support page to find out more.