Involving council tenants and leaseholders

We recently revised our engagement strategy. It aims to give council tenants and leaseholders a stronger voice. They now have multiple ways to engage with the council's Housing Management Service, both formally and informally. These include:

Tenants’ Voice panel

This resident-led group provides feedback and monitors the service's performance. It may review and recommend improvements. The group links into the Cabinet Housing Sub-Committee.

To find out more email

Co-opted Membership

On the council’s Housing and Regeneration Scrutiny Sub-Committee

Local neighbourhood /estate meetings

On local issues; neighbourhood action plans

Service level/issue involvement

Consultation workshops; ‘Task and Finish Groups’

Involvement for all

Residents given regular key updates via newsletters and may:

  • participate in consultation surveys
  • attend roadshows,
  • provide digital feedback
  • get involved in the procurement of new contracts
  • take part in community projects such as Food Gardens

Informal engagement includes

  • Reporting issues or concerns via webpage or to council officer
  • Submitting compliments or complaints
  • Participating in satisfaction surveys and focus groups
  • Attending Estate inspections

Read our Tenant and Leaseholder Engagement Strategy 2024