Fire Risk Assessments (FRAs)
We have agreed a plan of works to make sure that our blocks are as fire safe as possible. Here is an update on what we are doing.
We have built further relations within the industry and is now liaising with various ‘fire safety professionals’ to assist in guiding the organisation towards a more proactive management of fire safety, as recommended by the government. Following recommendations from these industry professionals, we have completely revamped our fire risk assessments to better reflect our stock, providing more accurate information. We have also adjusted the frequency in which we carry out these assessments ensuring high priority blocks are brought to the forefront. We also include fire safety works in the Better Neighbourhoods projects so they can be done with less disruption to residents.
Following these changes, as of 1st March 2020, we have carried out works on (107) blocks, and in addition, new fire risk assessments have been produced for all the high-risk blocks in 2019.
We will publish FRAs
Carrying out a fire risk assessment on a block is a legal requirement and an essential component of good fire safety management. It is the process of identifying potential fire hazards, how they should be managed, and whether additional measures need to be taken to eliminate or reduce risk. We carry out fire risk assessments for all residential blocks it manages and assessments for each block have been published on our website. We use independent, competent, and qualified fire risk assessor companies, and the assessment is completed by a qualified Fire Engineer. Fire Risk Assessments are generally carried out using guidance issued by The Local Government Association in 2012 as recommended by the London Fire Brigade.
The frequency is determined by the level of risk a building presents and takes account of building height, type, and layout. As an example, a Fire Engineer is likely to advise us that a building that is 15 storeys high with enclosed internal corridors will generally have a higher risk rating and should have a Fire Risk Assessment more frequently than say a block that is only six storeys high, with external open walkways and made of concrete and brick. These will generally have a lower risk rating and may need a Fire Risk Assessment less frequently, say every four years. We always carry out a new Fire Risk Assessment after Major Works are completed on the block.
The Fire Engineer will do background research into the block and then visit it on a certain day and assess what they see at that time so the risk rating of the block may go up or down. Things that may increase the risk rating include the need for fire safety works, missing service area doors, faulty fire doors, blocked corridors etc. If works are in progress on the block then arrangements such as items in the process of being upgraded or scaffolding may also increase the risk rating. The Fire Engineer will recommend appropriate actions that we should take dependent on what they find on the day and this can include making further inspections, urgent works, or putting in additional safety measures.
The Fire Risk Assessments are based on the industry good practice standards (PAS 79) along with additional questions we set to take into account local factors and arrangements such as the design and construction of our blocks. Whilst we are confident the templates and question set we ask the Fire Engineers to complete will give us the necessary information, quality control measures are in place with sample reviews being undertaken by our Head of Health and Safety and our Compliance Officers.
FRAs for the housing blocks managed by the council are available on our website here.
As we progress the latest round of assessments we will replace those currently on the website with more recent versions.