Reducing parental conflict information for parents

Conflict is a part of life, and family life is no exception.
If the conflict does not stop and is never resolved it has an impact on children.
As parents you know this and we’re hoping the tools below can help you to resolve that conflict.
Who are these tools for?
- parents who have separated or divorced
- biological and stepparents
- other family members playing a parenting role
- foster and adoptive parents
- same-sex couples
Using these tools we hope you will be able to resolve conflict in a way that shows your children how they can deal with the conflict.
What help is available?
We have the following services on offer to support parents to manage conflict. They are available for free.
Mediation for parents (separated/together or co-parenting)
This is a process where a trained independent person will help you resolve issues of disagreements. We can then reach a mutual agreement which can help make arrangements for children. This is a confidential process and both parties need to give consent. We provide mediation for parents who are experiencing conflict so that children can grow up in happy homes, where they learn positive ways of managing conflict. This helps to build a brighter future for children.
Find out more about accessing our mediation services
Download our self-referral form
Feedback from parents
“The Mediation sessions helped us to communicate better and understand one another. We were able to attend further professional meetings with a frame of mind that helped us to work together to raise our children.”
“We are grateful to the mediator for giving us the opportunity to meet and be more considerate of our respective positions. We reflected together on the difficulties we were having. We realised that it our conflict was more linked to the extended family issues which were impacting on our relationship.”
“We found the mediation service very helpful and wished that we could have engaged in such intervention sooner.”
Triple P Parenting Programme
Triple P provides a toolbox of different parenting strategies. The three P’s in Triple P (positive parenting programme) aim to raise self-confidence, enable parents to manage behaviour better, establish routines and practice self-care as a parent.
Tower Hamlets Parent and Family Support Service Parenting Programmes
Oneplusone digital resources
The digital resources provided by OnePlusOne are designed to help parents reflect on conflict in their relationship with current or ex-partners, as well as the impact on their children. The resources use videos and animations that incorporate evidence-based techniques to promote behaviour change. It also helps parents to communicate in ways that are helpful rather than harmful.
Feedback from parents
“Learnt that you need to stay and think calmly and learn to negotiate more and not let the children think its their fault or put them in the middle.”
“I’ve realised how damaging my behaviour has been and not just my ex. I’ve learned the impact it’s had on my children. Children should never need to be in the middle of their parents.”
“Keeping calm when dealing with disagreements.”
Mediation for parental conflict ENGLISH
Mediation for parental conflict BENGALI
Mediation for parental conflict SOMALI