Lithium battery fires

Lithium batteries have caused fires in the rubbish lorries. Please do not put batteries in your waste or recycling bin. All batteries (including lithium batteries from e-bikes and e-scooters and other re-chargeable devices) can be taken to the Reuse and Recycling Centre at Northumberland Wharf.

Rubbish and recycling collections

You can help us to collect your rubbish by

  • Recycling and reducing as much as possible 
  • Leaving your rubbish out only on the scheduled day of collection
  • Bagging your rubbish before putting it into the bin
  • Securely tying up rubbish sacks
  • Keeping the area around your bin/sacks clear on the day of collection

Household collections


  • Some properties have a daily rubbish and recycling collection
  • Your rubbish and recycling should be put in the correct sacks (i.e., black for rubbish, clear for recycling)
  • Your rubbish and recycling will be collected from outside your door each day
  • Rubbish and recycling must be kept inside your property at all other times.

Check roads and times for timed daily collections


  • All other residential properties have a weekly collection
  • Leave your rubbish and recycling containers at the edge of your property by 7am. Make sure they are easily seen by the collection crews from the road.
  • We do not provide containers for residents for their rubbish so you will need to buy black sacks. You may also want to buy a small bin to store your rubbish in
  • We collect your rubbish and recycling on the same day every week, except for Christmas, New Year, and Bank Holidays. On those occasions, it is usually collected one day later. We advertise any changes on these pages.

Assisted collections

We understand that some residents are not able to carry their rubbish and recycling out for collection. If you do not have anyone to help you move your rubbish and recycling out for collection, we would like to help.

To request an assisted collection or for more information please contact us on 020 7364 5000.

Our operational services privacy notice will give you an overview of how we handle your data.

Check your waste and recycling collection days



Have we missed you?

Collections may be delayed for up to a day.

Please wait for 24 hours after your scheduled bin collection before you report a missed collection.

Report a missed bin collection