Spring clean Tower Hamlets!

Come along for a litter-pick and help make Tower Hamlets a cleaner borough!

Mile End Road Litter Pick Volunteering
Friday 7 March 2pm to 4pm
Meet at the Lawton Road Car Park from 2pm

RSVP to teamec@towerhamlets.gov.uk so we bring enough kit.

Find out more about the litter pick.

Recycling Champions

Be a part of the change you want to see and help to spread the word about reducing, reusing and recycling in Tower Hamlets! By becoming a Recycling Champion you can make a positive contribution to your neighbourhood, help the environment, meet new people and learn new things.

How much you do it up to you, every little bit helps! As a Recycling Champion you can get involved by:

  • Attending a recycling event or workshop and sharing your new knowledge with your family, friends and neighbours
  • Putting up recycling posters on noticeboards where you live
  • Inviting one of our Recycling Officers to a community event or meeting, to help promote recycling
  • Sharing leaflets with your neighbours
  • Helping-out at an event or on a local project
  • Sharing ideas about how to improve recycling in your area

You’ll receive our email newsletter with:

  • Invites to interesting information sessions and workshops, such as a tour of a recycling facility
  • Advice and guidance on how to arrange your own community event, such as a clothes swapping party
  • Opportunities to sign up to help-out on projects and at events locally
  • New information, quizzes and more!
Sign up to be a Recycling Champion

More info

Q Who can be a Recycling Champion?

A Anyone over 18 who lives in Tower Hamlets or works for a housing provider or community organisation in Tower Hamlets and is interested in improving recycling and reducing waste

Q What tools will I receive?

A New Recycling Champion's are sent a guidebook, full of useful information.

You can request posters and leaflets.

You'll be invited to workshops and events where you can learn more about specific subjects.

Q How do I stay in touch with the programme?

A Email newsletters will be distributed with details of forthcoming events, opportunities to help and information about current recycling issues.

Q How much time do I need to commit?

It’s up to you, there is no minimum. Any contribution is appreciated.