Council Tax payment problems

Some Council Tax account numbers aren't being recognised by our payment system.

You can pay via bank transfer or Direct Debit.

We're working to fix the problem as soon as possible.

Single Person Discount (SPD)

Who can apply?

If you are the only adult (person aged 18 years or over) living in your household, you may be eligible for a Single Person Discount (SPD).

The property you are claiming the discount for:

  • must be the property you live in as your main home

  • must be your main residence (if you have a second home)  

 You can only apply if: 

  • you have lived alone since you moved into the property


  • you live alone as all other adult household members have moved out

Please update the Electoral Register (voters) if adults have moved out. We use the Electoral Register to check for fraud and false claims.

If you do not qualify for a Single Person Discount, you may still be able to apply for another discount.

What if a household member turns 18 while you are getting the discount?

You need to tell us straight away and cancel the discount.

If the young adult is in education, you may be eligible for a Disregard Discount.

How much is the discount?

If you qualify, it will reduce your council tax charge by 25%.

What happens if someone moves in while you are getting a discount?

You must inform us about any changes to your household that may affect the discount.

You have 21 days to tell us once someone moves in.

If you don’t contact us, penalties will apply.

Couples cannot claim an SPD for separate homes 

Spouses, civil partners and unmarried couples cannot claim an SPD for a second home one of them owns or rents.

You will be prosecuted and fined for entering false details

We will investigate any applications that we believe contain false details.

We will cross reference your details and data using the National Fraud Initiative (NFI) and Credit Bureau checks.

Entering false details is fraud and it means you will:

  • get a criminal record

  • pay expensive fines

  • pay expensive legal fees

Apply for a Single Person Discount



Do you want to update or end your Single Person Discount?

You can tell us if:

  • you have always lived alone
  • all other members of your household have moved out
  • someone has moved in with you or is now 18
  • someone has recently died

Please update or end your Single Person Discount.

Single Person Discount Review 

Every year, we check all accounts with an SPD to ensure that the correct people receive the discount.  

If you receive a letter from us, you need to submit a review.  

If you have received a review request, please respond using the weblink we sent you.