Single Person Discount (SPD)

Who can apply?

If you are the only adult (person aged 18 years or over) living in your household, you may be eligible for a Single Person Discount (SPD).

The property you are claiming the discount for must:

  • be your main home
  • have no other names registered on the Electoral Register at the address

 You can only apply if: 

  • You have lived alone since you moved into the property


  • You live alone as all other adult household members have moved out

How much is the discount?

If you qualify, it will reduce your council tax charge by 25%.

What happens if someone moves in while you are getting a discount?

You must inform us about any changes to your household that may affect the discount.

You have 21 days to tell us once someone moves in

If you don’t contact us, penalties will apply.

Couples cannot claim an SPD for separate homes 

Spouses, civil partners and unmarried couples cannot claim an SPD for a second home one of them owns or rents.

You can be prosecuted for entering false information

We will investigate any applications that we believe contain false details.

Apply for a Single Person Discount