Tower Hamlets Partnership

The Tower Hamlets Partnership is a group of local institutions, businesses, community members, and residents who work together to improve Tower Hamlets.
The Tower Hamlets Partnership works to improve the borough's economic, social, and environmental wellbeing. It focuses on making services better and achieving positive results for residents. The partnership takes a proactive approach, coordinating and facilitating improvements, and making sure work is connected where needed.
The Partnership does not provide services. Partners work together to find new ways to deliver better public services, lead on complex issues, and promote partnership working.
We are proud of the strong community in Tower Hamlets. We work with local individuals and organisations to find creative solutions and take advantage of opportunities in Tower Hamlets and beyond.
We hold two partnership congresses every year to involve more local partners and residents in important topics. We prioritise Community First and coproduction, which are based on trust, power sharing and effective communication. Local people will play a big role in shaping services and the borough's main partnership plans.
Tower Hamlets Partnership is an Executive Group and Congress. It is supported by six thematic boards. Each board works towards agreed goals.
Key members of the Partnership Executive Group (PEG) include senior officers from:
- Barts Health NHS Trust
- North East London Integrated Care Board (ICB)
- East London NHS Foundation Trust (ELFT)
- Canary Wharf Group
- Department for Work and Pensions
- East London Business Alliance (ELBA)
- Queen Mary University of London
- New City College
- Local School Representatives (Full Headteachers Consultative)
- Metropolitan Police
- London Fire Brigade
- Tower Hamlets Council for Voluntary Service (THCVS)
- Tower Hamlets Housing Forum
- Tower Hamlets Interfaith Forum
- East London Mosque and London Muslim Centre
- Council of Mosques Tower Hamlets
Our vision
In November 2023, the Partnership agreed ‘A Tower Hamlets for All’ - our new Partnership Plan for 2023-2028. The five year plan sets out a new shared vision for Tower Hamlets: 'Residents and partners working together to improve quality of life, advance equality, opportunity, and empowered communities’.
‘A Tower Hamlets for All’ identifies five cross-cutting calls to action on the issues that matter most to residents and where the partnership believes we can empower action together:
- Call to action 1: Tower Hamlets will be a fair, inclusive and an anti-racist borough
- Call to action 2: Everyone in Tower Hamlets should be able to enjoy good mental health and wellbeing
- Call to action 3: Everyone in Tower Hamlets should feel safe and live in good-quality homes and healthy, inviting neighbourhoods
- Call to action 4: Everyone in Tower Hamlets should have access to good work and skills and an
- Call to action 5: A child-friendly borough where children and young people from all backgrounds thrive, achieve their best, have opportunities and are listened to
Download the Tower Hamlets Partnership Plan 2023-2028 ‘A Tower Hamlets for All’.
Find out more on how the plan was developed and partnership annual reports.
Our Journey so far
In July 2018, the Partnership published the Tower Hamlets Plan. The five year plan set out the key aim which partners believe they can influence: tackling inequality by building a strong, inclusive and fair borough.
Download the Tower Hamlets Plan 2018-2023 full document or one page summary.
Our achievements include:
- a whole community response to local and national challenges - including Covid 19
- a new partnership between health and care
- joined up local services through resident hubs and family hubs
- strengthening the equality hubs and networks
- practical multi-sector collaborations.
Our journey continues – with a new shared vision and plan for Tower Hamlets.
Terms of reference
The Partnership’s terms of reference give an overview of the:
- purpose
- membership
- governance of Partnership Board and Partnership Executive Group.
Thematic Partnerships
The Tower Hamlets Partnership has six thematic partnerships. These partnerships are mainly responsible for delivering the partnership plan priorities and the partnership strategies within their portfolio area. They report into the Partnership Executive Group.
The six thematic partnerships are: