Tower Hamlets Women's Awards Ceremony 2025

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Nominations are now open.

The deadline for making a nomination is on Sunday 23 March 2025.

You can book tickets for the  FREE event here

The ceremony will take place:

Date & Time: Tuesday 29 April 2025, 11am to 3pm

Venue: Grocers' Wing, Tower Hamlets Town Hall

In light of International Women’s Day, Tower Hamlets Women’s Awards recognises female excellence and celebrates the remarkable achievements of women living or working in the borough. The awards honour their amazing work and contribution in Tower Hamlets.


Award Categories

Women’s Advocate of the Year

This award recognises a woman, business, charity or group that has tirelessly advocated for women. This includes those that lobby for women’s rights, voice the challenges women currently face, bring social justice to women, supported women’s health, or spearheaded events to empower women. Small or large scale.

Extraordinary Female Carer

This award is in recognition of the mum or carer who is a Superwoman! This is a woman of many hats, juggling their extra caring responsibilities with everything else, often having to make sacrifices. This includes foster carers or relatives that have taken on this parent/carer responsibility.

Female Volunteer of the Year

This award recognises the dedication and generosity of our female volunteers who have gone above and beyond to support others. We are looking for nominations where volunteers have devoted a significant amount of their own time (unpaid) to helping borough residents. This includes fundraising, providing services or assisting with practical tasks. Think about how the nominee has made a lasting and meaningful contribution to their community through their volunteer work.

Female Business Excellence

Whether they are a business start-up or a well-established enterprise, this award recognises the achievements that a businesswoman has made; whose drive and determination is an inspiration to all.

Women's Group of the Year

Our borough has several women’s groups that do amazing work, helping our residents, and connecting communities. Which one do you think deserves to be celebrated?

Outstanding Young Female of the Year

Made an impact on the local community and contributed towards helping and supporting and inspiring the next generation by recognising those young women who have beaten the odds to achieve their dreams.

Nomination Guidance:

  1. Nominations should only be made relating to achievements over the last 12 months. 

  2. You can nominate a woman for more than one category, but you must use separate nomination forms.

  3. Please make sure that the person you wish to nominate agrees to being nominated.

  4. You may be asked to support or verify the evidence as part of the nominations supply you make. 

  5. Nominees will be shortlisted for each category and invited to the awards. 

  6. All nominees must live or work in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets