Summer Fun: Performing London

Brady Arts & Community Centre 192-196 Hanbury St E1 5HU
Drama, Dance and Performance, Summer events, Summer holidays, Teenagers, Young people
Tuesday 30th July (14:00) - Friday 9th August 2024 (17:00)
Performing London SBD15 resized

This summer Arts Without Borders host a transformative project for young women. The project will engage young women from diverse ethnic backgrounds through the arts. We will focus on navigating online presence and identity. Over two weeks, we will explore issues including catfishing, online bullying, image shaming. We will also look at the impact of sexist and xenophobic behaviour.

The program includes drama workshops. You will take part in research, devising, creative writing, and performance. The workshops aim to foster a safe and supportive environment for you to express your online experiences and challenges. 

As well as the workshops we will attend two live theatre shows each week. You will see professional performances and gain inspiration for your own creative work. The project will culminate in a sharing event on August 18. Participants will showcase their work. 

This is a unique opportunity for young women to build confidence, develop their artistic skills, and create a supportive community while addressing significant online issues. Join us for a summer of empowerment, creativity, and growth.

Book your free place

 2-5pm, every Tuesday to Friday from 30 July – 9 August 2024

Target age group:  14-19 years old (up to 25 years with SEND)

Rehearsal: Saturday 17 August from 2-5pm

Sharing Day to family and friends: Sunday 18 August 

Snacks will be provided. 

Trips: We are aiming to arrange trips for Wednesday 31 July, Friday 2 August, Tuesday 6 August and Thursday 8 August. Time and venue to be confirmed.

Lead workshop tutor: Dr Canan Salih

If you would like more information, please contact Dr Canan on email


Supported by Young Tower Hamlets