Tower Hamlets students celebrate their A Level results

Langdon Park School students (2)

Langdon Park School students with their results.

Students across Tower Hamlets have been celebrating their results for A Levels and Level 3 vocational qualifications.

In Tower Hamlets, almost three-quarters (69.1 per cent) of students achieved an A* to C grade in their A Levels.

Almost one-fifth (16.1 per cent) achieved an A* or A grade.

Students also received results for Level 3 vocational qualifications.

Over half of those who entered BTECs in Tower Hamlets achieved all grades at Distinction and above, a 2.4 per cent increase from 2023. 

Lutfur Rahman, Executive Mayor of Tower Hamlets, said:

“Well done to all the students receiving their results today, and to all the education staff for their hard work in supporting them to achieve such fantastic results.

“I am very proud that there is such academic talent in Tower Hamlets.

“We are committed to supporting young people in education through continuous investment, including through the Education Maintenance Allowance, University Bursary, and universal free school meals.”

Cllr Maium Talukdar, Deputy Mayor and Cabinet Member for Education, Youth and Lifelong Learning, said:

“Congratulations to all those who received their A Level and Level 3 results today.

“These results are a testament to their hard work and dedication, and I wish them well for their next steps.

“Thank you to our school leaders and staff who have supported students throughout their time at school with their studies and their wellbeing, to help them achieve these results.”

High achievers from Langdon Park School

This year, over 60% of students at Langdon Park School secured their firm university offers.

Rothan Debnath achieved A, B, C, C in Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Computer Science and is off to study Maths at Queen Mary University. He said: “I’m looking forward to going to university and meeting new people. It’s a four year course so I’ll probably make a lot of new friends.”

Zahra Ali studied English, Politics and Sociology and achieved the grades she needs to study Primary Teaching at Kingston University.

Mahie Islam, who achieved A, B, B in Maths, Physics and Computer Science, is off to study Computer Science at Queen Mary University. He said: “The future is looking difficult but I’m happy that I’ve got this stage right so that I can move onto the next stage.”

Sanjida Chowdhury got A, B, B in Economics, Politics and Maths and if off to study Economics and Management at King’s University. She said: “This isn’t what I was expecting, I thought I’d do a lot worse!”

Nawaz Ahmed got the grades he needs to study Geography at King’s College London. He’s looking forward to a Geography-related career in the future.

Ikram Merabet achieved an A in Psychology and D*, D in BTEC Applied Science. She said: “I’m quite optimistic about the future, I didn’t expect to get as good as I did.”

Next steps – support for students

Tower Hamlets Young WorkPath, a council service, provides careers information, advice and guidance about the next steps available to young people, no matter what their results are.

For young people who received their results but are not sure what to do next, the service offers careers interviews in person, over the phone or via video. 

Find out more.

Posted on Monday 19th August 2024