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The previous governing body had considered academisation however this was not taken forward. An application to convert  to an academy  must be made by a school’s governing body; but the final decision is in the hands of the DfE

There are several other faith schools in LBTH and neighbouring boroughs and parents are at liberty to seek a place at any of these schools.  If a place is initially refused they have a statutory right to ask an independent appeal committee to grant a place on the grounds that it is justified by the special circumstances even if the school is technically full.

The LDBS has made arrangements with The Urswick School in Hackney that any pupil at Raine’s who meets the Church admissions requirements for the Urswick School will go to the top of the waiting list. 


This was unfortunate. LA officers did work on carefully managing the communications so that the school community would be the first to be informed of proposals. The council’s Cabinet decision making process and work plan is agreed well in advance.

Following on from the feasibility study and proposed recommendation the Cabinet’s work plan had to be updated to include a possible decision on Raine’s closure in the future. This was an administrative process. The work plan was available on Tower Hamlet’s website and was subsequently leaked on social media.

The IEB is established in conjunction with the Regional Schools Commissioner and with the permission of the Secretary of State for Education. Members of the IEB have to be approved by the Secretary of State. The LA had asked the Raine’s Foundation Trust to nominate a Trustee to join the IEB, however the nomination provided was rejected by the Secretary of State. The letter from the Regional Schools Commissioner rejecting the nomination was forwarded to the Foundation Trust. There was no further nomination received from the Trust.

The Steering Group is a joint steering group with representatives from both schools including parents, governors and staff. The Steering Group is not a decision making body and is a useful forum to have open discussion affecting pupils, parents and staff.  The Trust has been kept informed directly.


There was a need to strengthen the leadership of the school following the outcome of the Ofsted Inspection (second ‘Requires Improvement’ Judgement).

Paul Woods was brought in on an interim basis as an Executive Headteacher to increase the leadership capacity.
Rob Hullet (Headteacher) left the school in December 2018.

Paul Woods left the school at the end of the spring term (Easter) and Patrice Canavan was then brought in by the LA as the Executive Headteacher to continue to provide the leadership the school required.

The Interim Headteacher worked alongside the school in March 2019 as part of the handover from Paul Woods and formally took up the Headship (on an interim basis) from April 2019.
The governing body at the time attempted to recruit parent governors on a number of occasions without success. 

The second governing body was put in place by the Diocese as the school is a faith school. The Chair of Governors nominated by the Diocese, Ms Liz Wolverson, is Chief Executive of the LBDS Academies Trust.


In reaching this stage the LA, along with the IEB and Diocese, have explored a number of alternative options to maintain the school, but none have proven to be feasible. The consultation document provides details of the alternative options explored and the reasons why these are not considered to be possible and all interested parties are encouraged to read this document. 

The LA welcomes views and opinions from parents on other potential options to secure the future of Raine’s and/or its pupils and all interested parties are invited to submit responses via the online feedback form, by post or by email.

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